
第73章 豪车系列(13)

Having set many standards in terms of size, technology and performance by the end of the twenties, Maybach followed this up in the thirties with a surprise move: the introduction of a small model, known by the abbreviation SW, which stood for swing axle. These cars were notable for their six-cylinder in-line engines with 3.5, 3.8 or 4.2-litre displacement and were all lovingly handcrafted.Unique vehicles were built in accordance with the wishes of their owner.

“To create only the best from the best, a vehicle that is the ultimate in wish fulfilment, with a distinctive character of the finest elegance and power” - this is how a Maybach flyer from 1930 announced the companys aim, and it still applies at Maybach in its entirety to this day.

In 1996, for the celebration of his 150th birthday, Wilhelm Maybach took his deserved place in the Automotive Hall of Fame, together with other key figures in the automotive industry such as Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz. The following year, the foundations of the Maybachs marquee rebirth were laid: the premises for a new, modern high-end luxury car were the combination of Mercedess advanced development techniques and the exclusiveness and individuality that is a trademark of Maybach. The first step towards this new era took place in 1997, with the deployment of the Mercedes-Benz Maybach concept which was presented at the Tolyo Motor Show. The chauffeur driven limousine represented the basis for the realization of the Maybach for the new millennium. Together with the Maybach Zeppelin, presented in 2009, the aim of the founders was to create unique vehicles with a distinctive style capable of reinvigorating the soul. With a place in the new top luxury segment represented by Maybach, Daimler AG established its position at the summit of this highly exclusive market segment. To guarantee an appropriate exhibition site for the Maybach vehicles and to illustrate the countless passibilities of personalization (an exclusive service made available by highly skilled specialists), the center of Excellence was established in Sindelfingen, Germany. In 2010, a superb facelift interested the actual range, defining new boundaries in term of luxury design, performance, consumption and emissions. All the Maybach models respect the Euro5 standard.

abbreviation [,bri:viein] n. 缩写;缩写词

take place发生

personalization [‘p:snlaizein] n. 个性化


公司最初由迈巴赫父子(威廉·迈巴赫和卡尔·迈巴赫)于1909年成立,当时名为Luftfahrzeug-Motorenbau GmbH,地址在德国佛腾堡地区的比辛根(Bissingen)。1912年,公司迁至腓特烈港(Friedrichshafen),并更名为Maybach Motorenbau GmbH Friedrichshafen。时至今日,迈巴赫作为戴姆勒股份公司(Daimler AG)集团旗下的高端品牌,总部设在斯图加特(Stuttgart),继续闪耀昔日的辉煌。

早在一百年前,威廉·迈巴赫制造了一架汽车,从此把汽车业带进一个全新的纪元。他设计的Opus 1号成为第一台梅赛德斯汽车,而他本人直到今日仍被公认为“设计之王”(King of the Design Engineers)。

20世纪20年代末,在车辆大小、技术及性能等方面奠定了新标准。30年代,迈巴赫作出了一个惊人的创举,推出采用摆动轴技术的小型车SW。这些轿车的6气缸引擎有3.5、3.8 以及4.2升的排气量,每一款轿车都经由人手打造而成,震惊车坛。迈巴赫打造车主所想的独一无二非凡座驾。

