
第35章 Mr.Holland’s Opus (1)


You know what we’ve been doing wrong,Miss Lang?We’ve been playing the notes on the page.


Mr. Holland. We are the melodies and the notes of your opus. And we are the music of your life.


Selected Scene 1:

Miss Lang is practicing the clarinet. But she is not so good at it.

Mr. Holland:Give it up,Miss Lang. (Then he went to the door,he heard the student crying,and came back to explain) I mean for the day. School’s out,Miss Lang. I,I meant give it up for the day.

Miss Lang:I know what you meant.

Mr. Holland:Then?Why are you crying?

Miss Lang:I’m terrible. I’m... I’m terrible,Mr. Holland. I practice till my lips swell up.

Mr. Holland:Miss Lang,it takes a lot of work... (interrupted)

Miss Lang:All I make is noise.

Mr. Holland:(continues his words)...to learn a musical instrument.

Miss Lang:I just want to be good at something. My sister’s got a ballet scholarship to go to Juilliard. And my brother’s going to Notre Dame on a football scholarship. My mother’s won the blue ribbon for the watercolors at the state fair so many times...they’ve retired the category. My father’s got the most beautiful voice.He’s…I’m the only one in my family who’s,I…I just can’t…it doesn’t make any difference anyway.

Selected Scene 2:

Mrs. Helen who is the Principal of the high school stops Mr. Holland,and has a word with him.

Mrs. Helen:Mr. Holland! Just the man I was looking for. We’re forming a textbook committee for next year’s curriculum. And I would like to have your ideas and suggestions. We meet next Tuesday night in the library.

Mr. Holland:Oh,I’m sorry,Mrs. Jacobs. I’m very busy on Tuesday night.

Mrs. Helen:Uh-huh. You know,for a good four or five months now,I’ve been watching you,Mr. Holland. I have never seen a teacher sprint for the parking lot after last period with more speed and enthusiasm than his students. Perhaps you should be our track coach.

Mr. Holland:Mrs. Jacobs,I get here on time every morning,don’t I?I’m doing the best I can.

Mrs. Helen:(obviously agitated) A teacher is two job. Fill young minds with knowledge,yes. But more important give those minds a compass so that knowledge doesn’t go to waste. Now,I don’t know what you’re doing with the knowledge,Mr.Holland,but as a compass you’re stuck.

Selected Scene 3:

After class,Mr. Holland is sitting in the music room,seems waiting for somebody. He is playing the piano while Miss Lang comes in.

Miss Lang:Mr. Holland?

Mr. Holland:You’re late. Aren’t you left your clarinet here the other day?

Miss Lang:Yeah,um,if you know anyone who wants it I’m giving up the clarinet. I’m just,I,m just goofing everybody else up anyway. So,um,I just want to say thanks. Thanks for trying.

Mr. Holland:Is it any fun?

Miss Lang:I wanted it to be.

Mr. Holland:You know what we’ve been doing wrong,Miss Lang?we’ve been playing the notes on the page.

He went to play the music of the Kingsmen which is a very famous Rock & Roll band in the U. S..

Miss Lang:Well,what else is there to play?

Mr. Holland:Well,there’s a lot more to music than notes on the page. These guys,for example,now,they can’t sing,and they have absolutely no harmonic sense. And they’re playing the same three chords over and over again. And I love it. Do you?

Miss Lang:Yeah.

Mr. Holland:(chuckles)Yeah,why?

Miss Lang:I don’t know.

Mr. Holland:Yeah,you do.

Miss Lang:Because it’s fun?

Mr. Holland:That’s right. Because playing music is supposed to be fun; it’s about heart; it’s about feelings and moving people and something beautiful in being alive. And it’s not about notes on a page; I could teach you notes on a page; I can’t teach you that other stuff. Do me a favor. Pick up your clarinet and play with me.

Miss Lang:Okay.

Mr. Holland:And this time no music. (Take the music book away).

Miss Lang:Oh.

Mr. Holland:Because you already know it. It’s already in your head and your fingers and your heart. You just don’t trust yourself to know that. Okay,here we go. Ready?One,two,three,four. (Music starts,Miss Lang failed.)

Miss Lang:Ah!

Mr. Holland:okay,let’s do it again,and this time not so much lip on the mouthpiece.

Miss Lang:Okay.

Mr. Holland:One,two,three,four.

Music starts again,still Miss Lang failed for a second time.

Miss Lang:Oh!

Mr. Holland:All right,no,no,don’t do that. Let me ask you a question.

Miss Lang:What?

Mr. Holland:When you look in the mirror,what do you like best about yourself?

Miss Lang:My hair.

Mr. Holland:Why?

Miss Lang:My father always says that it reminds him of a sunset.

Mr. Holland:Play the sunset. Close your eyes. One,two,three,four.

Music starts for the third time,and it goes on very nice and smoothly,Miss Lang smiles.

Mr. Holland:Don’t stop playing.

Selected Scene 4:

The gymnasium is full,crammed with students and townfolks. There is a banner over the stage:Good-bye,Mr. Holland. All are cheering,applauding. Mr. Holland is overwhelmed.

The applause finally dies out and Mrs. Lang add