书城公版Gypsy Dictionary


Trullifer: Mrs. Trollopr, you must live by your living; and if you have a pound you must spend it.

Can you speak Romany?

Aye, aye, brother!

What is Weshenjuggalslomomengreskeytemskeytudlogueri?

I don't know what you say, brother.

Then you are no master of Romany.



Baulo-mengreskey tem Swineherds' country, Hampshire Bitcheno padlengreskey temTransported fellows' country, Botany Bay Bokra-mengreskey tem Shepherds' country, Sussex Bori-congriken gavGreat church town, York Boro-rukeneskey gav Great tree town, Fairlop Boro gueroneskey tem Big fellows' country, Northumberland Chohawniskey tem Witches' country, Lancashire Choko-mengreskey gav Shoemakers' town, Northampton Churi-mengreskey gav Cutlers' town, Sheffield Coro-mengreskey tem Potters' country, Staffordshire Cosht-killimengreskey tem Cudgel players' country, Cornwall Curo-mengreskey gav Boxers' town, Nottingham Dinelo temFools' country, Suffolk Giv-engreskey tem Farmers' country, Buckinghamshire Gry-engreskey gav Horsedealers' town, Horncastle Guyo-mengreskey tem Pudding-eaters' country, Yorkshire Hindity-mengreskey temDirty fellows' country, Ireland Jinney-mengreskey gav Sharpers' town, Manchester Juggal-engreskey gav Dog-fanciers' town, Dudley Juvlo-mengreskey tem Lousy fellows' country, Scotland Kaulo gav The black town, Birmingham Levin-engriskey tem Hop country, Kent Lil-engreskey gav Book fellows' town, Oxford Match-eneskey gav Fishy town, Yarmouth Mi-develeskey gav My God's town, Canterbury Mi-krauliskey gav Royal town, London Nashi-mescro gav Racers' town, Newmarket Pappin-eskey tem Duck country, Lincolnshire Paub-pawnugo tem Apple-water country, Herefordshire Porrum-engreskey tem Leek-eaters' country, Wales Pov-engreskey tem Potato country, Norfolk Rashayeskey gav Clergyman's town, Ely Rokrengreskey gav Talking fellows' town, Norwich Shammin-engreskey gav Chairmakers' town, Windsor Tudlo tem Milk country, Cheshire Weshen-eskey gav Forest town, Epping Weshen-juggal-slommo-mengreskey tem Fox-hunting fellows' country, Leicestershire Wongareskey gav Coal town, Newcastle Wusto-mengresky tem Wrestlers' country, Devonshire THOMAS ROSSAR-MESCROPrey Juniken bis diuto divvus, drey the besh yeck mille ochto shel shovardesh ta trin, mande jaw'd to dick Thomas Rossar-mescro, a puro Romano, of whom mande had shoon'd bute. He was jibbing drey a tan naveno Rye Groby's Court, kek dur from the Coromengreskoe Tan ta Bokkar-engreskey Wesh. When mande dick'd leste he was beshing prey the poov by his wuddur, chiving misto the poggado tuleskey part of a skammin. His ker was posh ker, posh wardo, and stood drey a corner of the tan; kek dur from lesti were dui or trin wafor ker-wardoes.

There was a wafudo canipen of baulor, though mande dick'd kekkeney.

I penn'd "Sarshin?" in Romany jib, and we had some rokrapen kettaney.