书城公版Gypsy Dictionary


Zingaro. A Gypsy, a person of mixed blood, one who springs from various races, a made-up person. Sans. Sangkara, compositus (made-up).


To dick and jin, To bikn and kin;

To pee and hal, And av and jal;

To kair and poggra, Shoon and rokra;

To caur and chore, Heta and cour, Moar and more, To drab and dook, And nash on rook;To pek and tove, And sove and rove, And nash on poove;To tardra oprey, And chiv aley;To pes and gin, To mang and chin, To pootch and pukker, Hok and dukker;To besh and kel, To del and lel, And jib to tel;Bitch, atch, and hatch, Roddra and latch;To gool and saul, And sollohaul;

To pand and wustra, Hokta and plastra, Busna and kistur, Maila and grista;To an and riggur;To pen and sikker, Porra and simmer, Chungra and chingra, Pude and grommena, Grovena, gruvena;To dand and choom, Chauva and rom, Rok and gare, Jib and mer With camova, And paracrova, Apasavello And mekello, And kitsi wasror, Sore are lavior, For kairing chomany, In jib of Romany.


If foky kek jins bute, Ma sal at lende;

For sore mush jins chomany That tute kek jins.

Whatever ignorance men may show, From none disdainful turn;For every one doth something know Which you have yet to learn.


So must I ker, daiya, to ker tute mistos?

It is my Dovvel's kerrimus, and we can't help asarlus.

Mi Dovvel opral, dick tuley opre mande.

If I could lel bonnek tute, het-avava tute.

Misto kedast tute.

Dovey si fino covar, ratfelo jukkal, sas miro.

The plastra-mengro sollohaul'd bango.

Me camava jaw drey the Nevi Wesh to dick the purey Bare-mescrey.

You jin feter dovey oduvu.

Will you pes for a coro levinor?

Ma pi kekomi.

Ma rokra kekomi.

Bori shil se mande.

Tatto tu coccori, pen.

Kekkeno pawni dov odoi.

Sore simensar si men.

Tatto ratti se len.

Wafudu lavior you do pen, miry deary Dovvel.

Kair pias to kair the gorgies sal.

Nai men chior.

So se drey lis?

Misto sis riddo.

Muk man av abri.

Ma kair jaw.

Si covar ajaw.

An men posseymengri.

Colliko sorlo me deavlis.

Pukker zi te lesti.

Soving lasa.

Tatto si can.

Mande kinyo, nastis jalno durroder.

Ma muk de gorgey jinnen sore lidan dovvu luvvu so garridan.

Dui trins ta yeck ta pas.

Pes apopli.

Chiv'd his vast adrey tiro putsi.

Penchavo chavo savo shan tu.

I'd sooner shoon his rokrapen than shoon Lally gil a gillie.

Kekkeno jinava mande ne burreder denne chavo.

Aukko tu pios adrey Romanes.


What must I do, mother, to make you well?

It is my God's doing, and we can't help at all.

My God above, look down upon me!

If I could get hold of you, I would slay you.

Thou hast done well.

That is a fine thing, you bloody dog, if it were mine.

The Bow-street runner swore falsely.

I will go into the New Forest to see the old Stanleys.

You know better than that.

Will you pay for a pot of ale?

Don't drink any more.

Do not speak any more.

I have a great cold.

Warm thyself, sister.

There is no water there.

We are all relations: all who are with us are ourselves.

They have hot blood.

Evil words you do speak, O my dear God.

Make fun, to make the Gentiles laugh.

I have no girls.

What is in it?

Thou art well dressed.

Let me come out.

Don't do so.

The thing is so: so it is.

Bring me a fork.

To-morrow morning I will give it.

Tell her your mind.

Sleeping with her.

The sun is hot.

I am tired, I can go no farther.

Don't let the Gentiles know all the money you took which you hid.

Seven pound ten.

Pay again.

Put his hand into your pocket.

The boy is thinking who you are.

I would rather hear him speak than hear Lally sing.

I know no more than a child.

Here's your health in Romany!


Drey the sherripen Midibble kair'd the temoprey ta the puv;Ta the puv was chungalo, ta chichi was adrey lis;Ta temnopen was oprey the mui of the boro put.

Ta Midibble's bavol-engri besh'd oprey the panior;Ta Midibble penn'd: Mook there be dute! ta there was dute.

Ta Midibble dick'd that the doot was koosho-koshko.

Ta Midibble chinn'd enrey the dute ta the temnopen;Ta Midibble kor'd the dute divvus, ta the temnopen kor'd yo rarde;Ta the sarla, ta the sorlo were yeckto divvus.

THE FIFTH DAY--Genesis i. 20, 21, 22, 23

Then Midibble penn'd; Mook sore the panior Chinn tairie jibbing engris bute dosta, Ta prey puv be bute dosta chiricles To vol adrey the rek of the tarpe.

Then Midibble kair'd the borie baulo-matches, Ta sore covar that has jibbing zi adreylis, The bute, bute tairie covars drey the panior Sore yeck drey its genos kair'd Midibble, The chiricles that vol adrey the tarpe Sore yeck drey its genos kair'd he lende:

Then Midibble dick'd that sore was koosho-koshko, And he chiv'd his koshto rokrapen opreylen:

Penn'd Midibble: Dey ye frute ever-komi, Ever-komi be burreder your nummer, Per with covars the panior ta durior, Ta prey puv be burreder the chiricles!

Then was sarla ta sorlo panschto divvus.

THE CREATION OF MAN--Genesis i. 27, 28

Then Mi-dibble kair'd Manoo drey his dikkipen, Drey Mi-dibble's dikkipen kair'd he leste;Mush and mushi kair'd Dibble lende And he chiv'd his koshto rokrapen opreylen:

Penn'd Mi-dibble: Dey ye frute ever-komi, Ever-komi be burreder your nummer;Per with chauves and chiyor the puvo And oprey sore the puvo be krallior, Oprey the dooiya and its matches, And oprey the chiricles of the tarpe, And oprey soro covar that's jibbing And peers prey the mui of the puvo.


Meery dearie Dad, sauvo jivves drey the tem oprey, be sharrafo teero nav, te awel teero tem, be kedo sore so caumes oprey ye poov, sar kairdios drey the tem oprey. Dey man to divvus meery divvuskey morro; ta for-dey mande mande's pizzaripenes, sar mande fordeava wafor mushes lende's pizzaripenes; ma mook te petrav drey kek tentacionos, but lel mande abri from sore wafodupen; for teero se o tem, Mi-dibble, teero o ruslopen, ta yi corauni knaw ta ever-komi.

Si covar ajaw.