书城公版Letters to His Son


BATH,December 27,1767.'En nova progenies'!

MY DEAR FRIEND:The outlines of a new Ministry are now declared,but they are not yet quite filled up;it was formed by the Duke of Bedford.Lord Gower is made President of the Council,Lord Sandwich,Postmaster,Lord Hillsborough,Secretary of State for America only,Mr.Rigby,Vice-treasurer of Ireland.General Canway is to keep the seals a fortnight longer,and then to surrender them to Lord Weymouth.It is very uncertain whether the Duke of Grafton is to continue at the head of the Treasury or not;but,in my private opinion,George Grenville will very soon be there.Lord Chatham seems to be out of the question,and is at his repurchased house at Hayes,where he will not see a mortal.It is yet uncertain whether Lord Shelburne is to keep his place;if not,Lord Sandwich they say is to succeed him.All the Rockingham people are absolutely excluded.Many more changes must necessarily be,but no more are yet declared.It seems to be a resolution taken by somebody that Ministers are to be annual.

Sir George Macartney is next week to be married to Lady Jane Stuart,Lord Bute's second daughter.

I never knew it so cold in my life as it is now,and with a very deep snow;by which,if it continues,I may be snow-bound here for God knows how long,though I proposed leaving this place the latter end of the week.

Poor Harte is very ill here;he mentions you often,and with ,great affection.God bless you!

When I know more you shall.