书城公版Letters to His Son


LONDON,April 6,1767.

MY DEAR FRIEND:Yesterday I received your letter from Nimes,by which Ifind that several of our letters have reciprocally miscarried.This may probably have the same fate;however,if it reaches Monsieur Sarrazin,Ipresume he will know where to take his aim at you;for I find you are in motion,and with a polarity to Dresden.I am very glad to find by it,that your meridional journey has perfectly recovered you,as to your general state of health;for as to your legs and thighs,you must never expect that they will be restored to their original strength and activity,after so many rheumatic attacks as you have had.I know that my limbs,besides the natural debility of old age,have never recovered the severe attack of rheumatism that plagued me five or six years ago.

I cannot now walk above half an hour at a time and even that in a hobbling kind of way.

I can give you no account of our political world,which is in a situation that I never saw in my whole life.Lord Chatham has been so ill,these last two months,that he has not been able (some say not willing)to do or hear of any business,and for his 'sous Ministres',they either cannot,or dare not,do any,without his directions;so everything is now at a stand.This situation,I think,cannot last much longer,and if Lord Chatham should either quit his post,or the world,neither of which is very improbable,I conjecture,that which is called the Rockingham Connection stands the fairest for the Ministry.But this is merely my conjecture,for I have neither 'data'nor 'postulata'enough to reason upon.

When you get to Dresden,which I hope you will not do till next month,our correspondence will be more regular.God bless you!