书城公版Letters to His Son


BLACKHEATH,August 25,1765

MY DEAR FRIEND:I received but four days ago your letter of the 2d instant.I find by it that you are well,for you are in good spirits.

Your notion of the new birth or regeneration of the Ministry is a very just one;and that they have not yet the true seal of the covenant is,I dare say,very true;at least it is not in the possession of either of the Secretaries of State,who have only the King's seal;nor do I believe (whatever his Grace may imagine)that it is even in the possession of the Lord Privy Seal.I own I am lost,in considering the present situation of affairs;different conjectures present themselves to my mind,but none that it can rest upon.The next session must necessarily clear up matters a good deal;for I believe it will be the warmest and most acrimonious one that has been known,since that of the Excise.The late Ministry,THE PRESENT OPPOSITION,are determined to attack Lord B-----publicly in parliament,and reduce the late Opposition,THE PRESENTMINISTRY,to protect him publicly,in consequence of their supposed treaty with him.'En attendant mieux',the paper war is carried on with much fury and scurrility on all sides,to the great entertainment of such lazy and impartial people as myself:I do not know whether you have the "Daily Advertiser,"and the "Public Advertiser,"in which all political letters are inserted,and some very well-written ones on both sides;but I know that they amuse me,'tant bien que mal',for an hour or two every morning.Lord T------is the supposed author of the pamphlet you mention;but I think it is above him.Perhaps his brother C----T------,who is by no means satisfied with the present arrangement,may have assisted him privately.As to this latter,there was a good ridiculous paragraph in the newspapers two or three days ago.WE HEAR THAT THERIGHT HONORABLE MR.C-----T------IS INDISPOSED AT HIS HOUSE INOXFORDSHIRE,OF A PAIN IN HIS SIDE;BUT IT IS NOT SAID IN WHICH SIDE.

I do not find that the Duke of York has yet visited you;if he should,it may be expensive,'mais on trouvera moyen'.As for the lady,if you should be very sharp set for some English flesh,she has it amply in her power to supply you if she pleases.Pray tell me in your next,what you think of,and how you like,Prince Henry of Prussia.God bless you!