He was impeached after the death of Queen Anne,only because that,having been engaged in the same measures with those who were necessarily to be impeached,his impeachment,for form's sake,became necessary.But he was impeached without acrimony,and without the lest intention that he should suffer,notwithstanding the party violence of those times.The question for his impeachment,in the House of Commons,was carried by many fewer votes than any other question of impeachment;and Earl Stanhope,then Mr.Stanhope,and Secretary'of State,who impeached him,very soon after negotiated and concluded his accommodation with the late King;to whom he was to have been presented the next day.But the late Bishop of Rochester,Atterbury,who thought that the Jacobite cause might suffer by losing the Duke of Ormond,went in all haste,and prevailed with the poor weak man to run away;assuring him that he was only to be gulled into a disgraceful submission,and not to be pardoned in consequence of it.When his subsequent attainder passed,it excited mobs and disturbances in town.He had not a personal enemy in the world;and had a thousand friends.All this was simply owing to his natural desire of pleasing,and to the mechanical means that his education,not his parts,had given him of doing it.The other instance is the late Duke of Marlborough,who studied the art of pleasing,because he well knew the importance of it:he enjoyed and used it more than ever man did.He gained whoever he had a mind to gain;and he had a mind to gain everybody,because he knew that everybody was more or less worth gaining.
Though his power,as Minister and General,made him many political and party enemies,they did not make him one personal one;and the very people who would gladly have displaced,disgraced,and perhaps attainted the Duke of Marlborough,at the same time personally loved Mr.Churchill,even though his private character was blemished by sordid avarice,the most unamiable of all vices.He had wound up and turned his whole machine to please and engage.He had an inimitable sweetness and gentleness in his countenance,a tenderness in his manner of speaking,a graceful dignity in every motion,and an universal and minute attention to the least things that could possibly please the least person.This was all art in him;art of which he well knew and enjoyed the advantages;for no man ever had more interior ambition,pride,and avarice,than he had.
Though you have more than most people of your age,you have yet very little experience and knowledge of the world;now,I wish to inoculate mine upon you,and thereby prevent both the dangers and the marks of youth and inexperience.If you receive the matter kindly,and observe my prescriptions scrupulously,you will secure the future advantages of time and join them to the present inestimable ones of one-and-twenty.
I most earnestly recommend one thing to you,during your present stay at Paris.I own it is not the most agreeable;but I affirm it to be the most useful thing in the world to one of your age;and therefore I do hope that you will force and constrain yourself to do it.I mean,to converse frequently,or rather to be in company frequently with both men and women much your superiors in age and rank.I am very sensible that,at your age,'vous y entrez pour peu de chose,et meme souvent pour rien,et que vous y passerez meme quelques mauvais quart-d'heures';but no matter;you will be a solid gainer by it:you will see,hear,and learn the turn and manners of those people;you will gain premature experience by it;and it will give you a habit of engaging and respectful attentions.Versailles,as much as possible,though probably unentertaining:the Palais Royal often,however dull:foreign ministers of the first rank,frequently,and women,though old,who are respectable and respected for their rank or parts;such as Madame de Pusieux,Madame de Nivernois,Madame d'Aiguillon,Madame Geoffrain,etc.This 'sujetion',if it be one to you,will cost you but very little in these three or four months that you are yet to pass in Paris,and will bring you in a great deal;nor will it,nor ought it,to hinder you from being in a more entertaining company a great part of the day.'Vous pouvez,si vous le voulex,tirer un grand parti de ces quatre mois'.May God make you so,and bless you!Adieu.