书城公版The Woman in White

第205章 Chapter 34 (6)

‘They'll see the fire from the town,' said a voice from among the men behind me. ‘There's a ingine in the town. They'll save the church.'

I called to that man -- he had his wits about him -- I called to him to come and speak to me. It would be a quarter of an hour at least before the town engine could reach us. The horror of remaining inactive all that time was more than I could face. In defiance of my own reason I persuaded myself that the doomed and lost wretch in the vestry might still be lying senseless on the floor, might not be dead yet. If we broke open the door, might we save him? I knew the strength of the heavy lock -- I knew the thickness of the nailed oak -- I knew the hopelessness of assailing the one and the other by ordinary means. But surely there were beams still left in the dismantled cottages near the church? What if we got one, and used it as a battering-ram against the door?

The thought leaped through me like the fire leaping out of the shattered skylight. I appealed to the man who had spoken first of the fire-engine in the town. ‘Have you got your pick-axes handy?' Yes, they had. ‘And a hatchet, and a saw, and a bit of rope?' Yes! yes! yes! I ran down among the villagers, with the lantern in my hand. ‘five shillings apiece to every man who helps me!' They started into life at the words. That ravenous second hunger of poverty -- the hunger for money -- roused them into tumult and activity in a moment. ‘Two of you for more lanterns, if you have them!

Two of you for the pickaxes and the tools! The rest after me to find the beam!' They cheered -- with shrill starveling voices they cheered. The women and the children fled back on either side. We rushed in a body down the churchyard path to the first empty cottage. Not a man was left behind but the clerk -- the poor old clerk standing on the flat tombstone sobbing and wailing over the church. The servant was still at my heels -- his white, helpless, panic-stricken face was close over my shoulder as we pushed into the cottage. There were rafters from the torn-down floor above, lying loose on the ground -- but they were too light. A beam ran across over our heads, but not out of reach of our arms and our pickaxes -- a beam fast at each end in the ruined wall, with ceiling and flooring all ripped away, and a great gap in the roof above, open to the sky. We attacked the beam at both ends at once. God! how it held -- how the brick and mortar of the wall resisted us! We struck, and tugged, and tore. The beam gave at one end -- it came down with a lump of brickwork after it. There was a scream from the women all huddled in the doorway to look at us -- a shout from the men -- two of them down but not hurt. Another tug all together -- and the beam was loose at both ends. We raised it, and gave the word to clear the doorway. Now for the work! now for the rush at the door! There is the fire streaming into the sky, streaming brighter than ever to light us!

Steady along the churchyard path -- steady with the beam for a rush at the door. One, two, three -- and off. Out rings the cheering again, irrepressibly.

We have shaken it already, the hinges must give if the lock won't. Another run with the beam! One, two, three -- and off. It's loose! the stealthy fire darts at us through the crevice all around it. Another, and a last rush! The door falls in with a crash. A great hush of awe, a stillness of breathless expectation, possesses every living soul of us. We look for the body. The scorching heat on our faces drives us back: we see nothing -- above, below, all through the room, we see nothing but a sheet of living fire.

‘Where is he?' whispered the servant, staring vacantly at the flames.

‘He's dust and ashes,' said the clerk. ‘And the books are dust and ashes -- and oh, sirs! the church will be dust and ashes soon.'

Those were the only two who spoke. When they were silent again, nothing stirred in the stillness but the bubble and the crackle of the flames.


A harsh rattling sound in the distance -- then the hollow beat of horses' hoofs at full gallop -- then the low roar, the all-predominant tumult of hundreds of human voices clamouring and shouting together. The engine at last.