【α放射性固体废物】α fànɡshèxìnɡ ɡùtǐ fèiwù
solid alpha-radioactive waste
【爱国统一战线】àiɡuó tǒnɡyī zhànxiàn
patriotic united front
take care of/protect
【爱护公路的义务】àihù ɡōnɡlù de yìwù
duty to protect highways
【爱护未成年人】àihù wèichénɡniánrén
take care of the minors
【安保义务】ānbǎo yìwù
security protection duty
【安家补助费】ānjiā bǔzhùfèi
subsidy for setting up a home
【安排资金】ānpái zījīn
allocate funds
【安全保护措施】ānquán bǎohù cuòshī
safety protection measures
【安全保密协议】ānquán bǎomì xiéyì
security confidentiality agreement
【安全保卫条件】ānquán bǎowèi tiáojiàn
security protection condition
【安全保障体系】ānquán bǎozhànɡ tǐxì
security guarantee system
【安全保障义务】ānquán bǎozhànɡ yìwù
duty of safety protection
【安全背景审查】ānquán bèijǐnɡ shěnchá
security background check
【安全标志】ānquán biāozhì
safety marker
【安全标志服】ānquán biāozhìfú
uniform with safety signs
【安全标准】ānquán biāozhǔn
safety standard
【安全布局】ānquán bùjú
safety layout
【安全操作规程】ānquán cāozuò ɡuīchénɡ
rules of safe operation
【安全操作技能】ānquán cāozuò jìnénɡ
skills for safe operation
【安全车速】ānquán chēsù
safety speed
【安全撤离】ānquán chèlí
safe evacuation
【安全撤离的通道、路线】ānquán chèlí de tōnɡdào,lùxiàn
passages and routes for safe evacuation
【安全出口】ānquán chūkǒu
safety exit
【安全存放】ānquán cúnfànɡ
safe storage
【安全措施】ānquán cuòshī
safety measures
【安全等级】ānquán děnɡjí
security level/safety level/safety class
【安全第一、预防为主】ānquán dì-yī,yù fánɡ wéi zhǔ
put safety first and focus on prevention
【安全防范措施】ānquán fánɡfàn cuòshī
safety and prevention measures
【安全防范服务】ānquán fánɡfàn fúwù
safety and prevention services
【安全防护设施】ānquán fánɡhù shèshī
protective safety facilities
【安全风险监测】ānquán fēnɡxiǎn jiāncè
safety risk monitor
【安全风险评估】ānquán fēnɡxiǎn pínɡɡū
assessment of safety risks
【安全风险提示】ānquán fēnɡxiǎn tíshì
risk warnings on the safety
【安全港口】ānquán ɡǎnɡkǒu
safe port
【安全工作人员】ānquán ɡōnɡzuò rényuán
personnel in charge of safety work
【安全公约】ānquán ɡōnɡyuē
safety convention
【安全管理】ānquán ɡuǎnlǐ
security management/safety managment
【安全和畅通】ānquán hé chànɡtōnɡ
safe and unimpeded(traffic)
【安全和正常运行】ānquán hé zhènɡchánɡ yùnxínɡ
safety and normal operation
【安全技术标准】ānquán jìshù biāozhǔn
safety and technical standard
【安全技术检验】ānquán jìshù jiǎnyàn
safety and technical inspection
【安全驾驶】ānquán jiàshǐ
drive the vehicle safely/drive safely
【安全驾驶要求】ānquán jiàshǐ yāoqiú
requirement for safe driving
【安全监测】ānquán jiāncè
safety monitoring
【安全监督】ānquán jiāndū
safety supervision
【安全检查】ānquán jiǎnchá
safety inspection
【安全检验】ānquán jiǎnyàn
safety inspection
【安全教育】ānquán jiàoyù
education in safety
【安全警示标志】ānquán jǐnɡshì biāozhì
safety warning mark
【安全警示规定】ānquán jǐnɡshì ɡuīdìnɡ
safety warning and requirement
【安全距离】ānquán jùlí
safe distance
【安全可靠】ānquán kěkào
safe and reliable
【安全控制措施】ānquán kònɡzhì cuòshī
safety and control measures
【安全控制范围】ānquán kònɡzhì fànwéi
security control areas
【安全离船】ānquán líchuán
evacuate safely from the ship
【安全评估】ānquán pínɡɡū
safety evaluation
【安全评价】ānquán pínɡjià
safety appraisal
【安全缺陷】ānquán quēxiàn
security flaw/safety defect/security limitation
【安全认证】ānquán rènzhènɡ
safety certification
【安全设施】ānquán shèshī
safety facility
【安全设施设计】ānquán shèshī shèjì
dsign of safety facilities
【安全审查】ānquán shěnchá
security inspection
【安全生产】ānquán shēnɡchǎn
production safety
【安全生产管理职责】ānquán shēnɡchǎn ɡuǎnlǐ zhízé
duty of administering production safety
【安全生产教育和培训】ānquán shēnɡchǎn jiàoyù hé péixùn
education and training in production safety
【安全生产设施】ānquán shēnɡchǎn shèshī
facility for safety production
【安全生产条件】ānquán shēnɡchǎn tiáojiàn
conditions for safe production
【安全生产意识】ānquán shēnɡchǎn yìshi
consciousness of production safety
【安全生产责任制】ānquán shēnɡchǎn zérènzhì
system of responsibility relating to production safety
【安全生产状况】ānquán shēnɡchǎn zhuànɡkuànɡ
situation of production safety
【安全使用制度】ānquán shǐyònɡ zhìdù
system for the safe use
【安全事故隐患】ānquán shìɡù yǐnhuàn
hidden danger in production safety
【安全事件】ānquán shìjiàn
security incident
【安全视距】ānquán shìjù
safe range of visibility
【安全提示】ānquán tíshì
safety warning
【安全条件论证】ānquán tiáojiàn lùnzhènɡ
safety condition argumentation
【安全头盔】ānquán tóukuī
safety helmet
【安全维护】ānquán wéihù
security maintenance
【安全卫生】ānquán wèishēnɡ
safety and health
【安全无害】ānquán wúhài
safe and innocuous
【安全信息】ānquán xìnxī
safety information
【安全性处置】ānquánxìnɡ chǔzhì
safety treatment
【安全性评估】ānquánxìnɡ pínɡɡū
safety assessment
【安全性评价】ānquánxìnɡ pínɡjià
safety evaluation
【安全性原则】ānquánxìnɡ yuánzé
principle of safety
【安全意识】ānquán yìshi
awareness of the importance of safety
【安全隐患】ānquán yǐnhuàn
potential safety hazard
【安全应急措施】ānquán yìnɡjí cuòshī
safety emergency measures
【安全用电】ānquán yònɡdiàn
safely consume the electricity
【安全责任人】ānquán zérènrén
person responsible for safety
【安全责任制】ānquán zérènzhì
safety accountability system
【安全战略】ānquán zhànlüè
security strategy
【安全重点部位】ānquán zhònɡdiǎn bùwèi
key safety spot
【安全状况】ānquán zhuànɡkuànɡ
state of safety/safety conditions
security review
【安审因素】ānshěn yīnsù
factors to be reviewed for(national)security
make arrangement/provide placement
【安置补助费】ānzhì bǔzhùfèi
subsidies for resettlement
resettlement site
【安置方案】ānzhì fānɡ'àn
plan for resettlement/resettlement program
【安置生活】ānzhì shēnɡhuó
resettle down
fee for the installation/mounting cost
【岸线资源】ànxiàn zīyuán
coastline resources
【按本法规定】àn běnfǎ ɡuīdìnɡ
as specified by this Law
【按比例发展】àn bǐlì fāzhǎn
proportionate growth
【按比例返还保险费】àn bǐlì fǎnhuán bǎoxiǎnfèi
refund pro rata the insurance premium
【按比例分成】àn bǐlì fēnchénɡ
proportionate share of
【按比例分配】àn bǐlì fēnpèi
distribute pro rata
【按法定程序】àn fǎdìnɡ chénɡxù
in compliance with the statutory procedure
【按份共有】àn fèn ɡònɡyǒu
co-owned by shares
【按股分红】àn ɡǔ fēnhónɡ
dividend on shares
【按件收取】àn jiàn shōuqǔ
collected piece by piece
【按劳分配原则】àn láo fēnpèi yuánzé
principle of distribution according to work
【按民主程序提名】àn mínzhǔ chénɡxù tímínɡ
nomination in accordance with democratic procedures
【按纳税年度计算】àn nàshuì niándù jìsuàn
calculated on the basis of the tax year
【按期开工】ànqī kāiɡōnɡ
start construction on schedule
【按时出庭】ànshí chūtínɡ
appear in court on schedule
【按投资额的一定比例】àn tóuzī'é de yīdìnɡ bǐlì
at a certain ratio to the amount of the investment
【按照比例】ànzhào bǐlì
on a pro rata basis
【按照承诺履行义务】ànzhào chénɡnuò lǚxínɡ yìwù
fulfill one's obligation as promised
【按照规定的职责】ànzhào ɡuīdìnɡ de zhízé
in compliance with one's defined duties
【按照规定附送】ànzhào ɡuīdìnɡ fùsònɡ
enclose according to relevant regulation
【按照规定摊销】ànzhào ɡuīdìnɡ tānxiāo
amortize in accordance with relevant regulation
【按照合同约定】ànzhào hétonɡ yuēdìnɡ
as specified by the contract
【按照合同约定支付租金】ànzhào hétonɡ yuēdìnɡ zhīfù zūjīn
pay the hire as stipulated in the charter
【按照具体情况】ànzhào jùtǐ qínɡkuànɡ
in the light of specific condition
【按照其份额】ànzhào qí fèn'é
in proportion to the amount of one's shares
【按照下列顺序】ànzhào xiàliè shùnxù
in the following order of priority
【按照约定】ànzhào yuēdìnɡ
as agreed up
【按照职责分工】ànzhào zhízé fēnɡōnɡ
according to one 's functions and duties
【按址投递】àn zhǐ tóudì
deliver mail by address
【按指印】àn zhǐyìn
make a fingerprint
【案件程序】ànjiàn chénɡxù
【案件当事人】ànjiàn dānɡshìrén
party of a case/litigant
【案件的起诉】ànjiàn de qǐsù
prosecution of the case
【案件的审理】ànjiàn de shěnlǐ
handling of the case
【案件的事实】ànjiàn de shìshí
facts of the case
【案件的侦查】ànjiàn de zhēnchá
investigation of the case
【案件发生地】ànjiàn fāshēnɡdì
place where the case originated
【案件受理费】ànjiàn shòulǐfèi
court cost
【案件真实情况】ànjiàn zhēnshí qínɡkuànɡ
true circumstance of a case
case file
details of the case
【案情报告书】ànqínɡ bàoɡàoshū
written report of the case
【案情真相】ànqínɡ zhēnxiànɡ
facts of the case
person who is not involved in the case/outsider
cause of action
underground pipe
【澳门居民身份证】àomén jūmín shēnfènzhènɡ
Macao identity card
【澳门特别行政区】àomén Tèbié Xínɡzhènɡqū
Macao Special Administrative Region
【澳门特别行政区法院】àomén Tèbié Xínɡzhènɡqū Fǎyuàn
Courts of the Macao Special Administrative Region
【澳门特别行政区基本法委员会】àomén Tèbié Xínɡzhènɡqū Jīběnfǎ Wěiyuánhuì
Committee for the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region
【澳门特别行政区立法会】àomén Tèbié Xínɡzhènɡqū Lìfǎhuì
Legislative Council of the Macao Special Administrative Region
【澳门特别行政区行政长官】àomén Tèbié Xínɡzhènɡqū xínɡzhènɡ zhǎnɡɡuān
Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region
【澳门特别行政区永久性居民】àomén Tèbié Xínɡzhènɡqū yǒnɡjiǔxìnɡ jūmín
permanent resident of the Macao Special Administrative Region
【澳门特别行政区政府】àomén Tèbié Xínɡzhènɡqū zhènɡfǔ
Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region
Macao Pataca
【澳门驻军】àomén zhùjūn
Macao Garrison