
第89章 Trendy Lifestyle 潮流生活(1)



偶像崇拜通常指对任何一种偶像、图像或物体的崇拜,与敬拜一神论的神相对。偶像崇拜,是一个人对信仰着的象征物、对信仰的极端,这种极端由执著甚至到疯狂。偶像崇拜是当今青少年精神生活的重要内容。以中学生为主体的青少年,把明星作为自己的偶像。追星族们对于其心中偶像的崇拜极度喜爱、热情,有的甚至到了狂热、执著和迷恋的程度,Realize Idolatry



Film icon Audrey Hepburn has been deemed the most naturally beautiful woman ever in a poll of beauty experts。

The diminutive star of Breakfast at Tiffany’s was chosen by beauty and fashion editors, make-up artists, model agencies and photographers。

They had to choose their top 10 beautiful women from a list of 100 compiled by water company Evian。

US film star Liv Tyler and Australian actress Cate Blanchett were voted second and third。

Tomb Raider star Angelina Jolie and the actress-turned-princess Grace Kelly completed the top five, while Princess Diana was placed 12th。

The women were chosen for their “embodiment of natural beauty, healthy living, beautiful on the inside and out, with great skin and a natural glow to their personality, as well as their complexion”, Evian said。

“Audrey Hepburn is the personification of natural beauty,” said Elle beauty director Rosie Green。

“She has a rare charm and inner beauty that radiates when she smiles。 Her skin looks fresh in all her films and her personality really shines through as someone warm and lively。”

Hepburn was included in the top 10 by more than three-quarters of the beauty experts surveyed。

Almost half of the icons placed in the number one spot by panel members were brunettes, a third blondes, and about a fifth redheads。 Australia scored a hat-trick in the top ten, with singer Natalie Imbruglia, Blanchett and model Elle MacPherson appearing。

“People who are confident without a scrap of make-up and look healthy, happy and glowing, seem like natural beauties to me,” Eleonore Crompton, of Heat magazine。





king of music音乐天王

The pop diva歌后

movie queen影后

best actor影帝


Key words & Sentences


With the influence of the historical, realistic and age reasons, it undergoes the changing from the “hero worship”in 50’s & 60’s to the “superstar chasing worship”。


The icons people most admire today are usually film and TV stars who are most highly publicized by the media。


Teenage girls follow beautiful people wherever they appear。


The Beatles were the pop idols of the 60’s。


The pop singer is the idol of young people。


Typical contemporary cultural icons are the late film stars James Dean and Marilyn Monroe。


In Japan, Thorpe, just like golf talent Tiger Woods, is a super star in sports to Japanese。 He also possesses large admirer groups on par with rock-and-roll idols。


This is amply demonstrated by industry icons like Apple’s Jobs and Wozniak and Microsoft’s Gates, all college dropouts who might not have emerged in a qualification-conscious community。


Britney’s success has made her an icon to millions of fans all over the world。


The son of movie icon Kirk Douglas and British actress Diana Dill, Douglas was born September 25, 1944 in New Brunswick, New Jersey。

银幕偶像人物柯克?道格拉斯与英国女演员戴安娜?迪尔之子——道格拉斯于1944年9月25日生于新泽西的New Brunswick。

Iconic status aside,Travolta’s career was nonetheless headed for a major and inevitable derailment:the late’70s and most of the next decade dished up a seemingly endless string of box office bummers。


Film icon Audrey Hepburn has been deemed the most naturally beautiful woman ever in a poll of beauty experts。


Fans lined up as early as 4 a。m。, 12 hours before the start of the film, to angle for an autograph or glimpse of their favorite star。


Fifty years after Hefner launched Playboy and a sexual revolution, the pop culture icon is moving to reinvent its “Swinging 60s2” image for a new generation of pleasure seekers。


In addition to Marlon Brando, Rod Steiger also co-starred with numerous superstars such as Humphrey Bogart, Edward Robinson, Sidney Poitier and those modern movie idols like Sylvester Stallone, Jack Nicholson and Sharon Stone。


Teenagers usually dress like their idols and this makes them look older than they really are。


Today, with over 40 million albums sold and performances before well over 20 million people, Rock’n’ Roll Hall of Fame Carlos Santana has become a global icon。


Male celebrities all showed different methods to get into their fans’ good books。


The craze of young pop song fans constitutes a serious social problem。


Successful entrepreneurs have surpassed pop stars as college students’ idols, a recent Fudan University survey has found。


The results toppled the old perception that young college students are most impressed by the stars of shows。


It’s normal for students to have traditional ideas about the qualities an idol should have。 They think of idols as people who have made a great contribution to society。


It reveals the diversity of students’ standards。


Under the influence of pop culture, some students now view fictional figures as their idols。


They see the same qualities in those fictional figures as in other real people。


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