intelligence test 智力测验
introjection 内射
irritability 易激惹
jamais vu 旧事如新症
Klinefelter"s syndrome 克莱恩费尔特综合征
Korakov"s syndrome 柯萨可夫综合征
kryptomnesia 潜隐记忆
lack or loss of sexual desire 性欲减退或性冷淡
law of effect 效果律
learning disorder 学习障碍
learning model 学习模型
life change units,LCU 生活变化单位
life event 生活事件
longitudinal study 纵向研究
looseness of thought 思维松弛
magnification or minimization 夸大或缩小
medical psychology 医学心理学
memory 记忆
mental disorders due to epilepsy 癫痫性精神障碍
mental disorders due to intracranial infection 颅内感染所致精神障碍
mental disorders due to physical infection 躯体感染所致精神障碍
mental disorders due to systematic diseases 躯体疾病所致精神障碍
mental disorders due to vascular disease,VAD 血管性痴呆
mental handicap 智力障碍
mental health 心理卫生学
mental retardation 智力落后
metamorphopsia 视物变形症
mild mental retardation 轻度智力障碍
minimal brain dysfunction,MBD 轻微脑功能障碍综合征
Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory,MMPI 明尼苏达多相人格调查表
model learning 示范学习
moderate mental retardation中度智力障碍
monozygotic twins,MZ 同卵双生子
mood 心境
mood disorder 心境障碍
moral insanity 悖德狂
motivational enhancement therapy 动机强化治疗
multinfarct dementia,MID 多发性梗塞性痴呆
multiple‐baseline design 多基线设计
mutism 缄默症
narcissistic defense 自恋型防御
narrowing of attention 注意狭窄
negative automatic thoughts 负性自动想法
negative reinforce 负强化
negativism 违拗症
neologism 词语新作
neurasthenia 神经衰弱
neurasthenic syndrome 神经衰弱综合征
nonorganic sexual dysfunction 性功能障碍
norepinephrine,NE 去甲肾上腺素
norm 常模
observational learning 观察学习
obsessive‐compulsive neurosis 强迫症
obsessive idea 强迫观念
olfactory hallucination 幻嗅
oneiroid state 梦样状态
operant conditioning reflex 操作条件反射
organic mental disorders 器质性精神障碍
organic stupor 器质性木僵
orgasmic dysfunction 性乐高潮障碍
orientation 定向力
overgeneralization 过度引申
overvalued idea 超价观念
panic 惊恐发作
paraesthesia 感觉倒错
paralogic thinking 逻辑倒错性思维
paramnesia 错构
paranoid schizophrenia 精神分裂症偏执型
paranoid personality disorder 偏执性人格
parathymia 情感倒错
passive negativism 被动性违拗
passive obedience 被动服从
pathological affect 病理性激情
pathological symbolic thinking 病理性象征性思维
perception 知觉
persecutory delusion 被害妄想
personality disorders 人格障碍
personalization 个人化
pervasive developmental disorder,PDD 儿童广泛性发育障碍
phenylketonuria 苯丙酮酸尿症
phobia 恐惧
pituitary dwarfism 垂体性侏儒症
pleasure principle 快乐原则
positive reinforcement 正强化
post traumatic stress disorder,PTSD 创伤后应激障碍
poverty of thought 思维贫乏
preconscious 前意识
premature ejaculation 早泄
preservation 持续动作
pressure of thought 思维云集
prevalence 患病率
primary appraisal 初级评价
primary prevention 一级预防
problem‐focused 问题关注应对
process‐oriented approach 过程取向研究
profound mental retardation 极重度智力障碍
projection 外射
pseudo hallucination 假性幻觉
psychic automatism syndrome 精神自动症综合征
psychoanalytic or psychodynamic model 心理动力学模型
psychodiagnosis 心理诊断
psychogenic amnesia 心因性遗忘
Psychogenic pain 心因性疼痛
psychogenic stupor 心因性木僵
psychological stress 心理应激
psychomotor excitement 精神运动性兴奋
psychomotor inhibition 精神运动性抑制
psychosensory disturbance 感知综合障碍
psychosexual disorder 性变态(又称性心理障碍)
psychosomatic disease 心身疾病
psychosomatic response 心身反应
psychostimulant 精神兴奋剂
psychotherapy 心理治疗
psychotic defense mechanism 精神病型机制
punishment 惩罚
rational emotive therapy,RET 理性情绪疗法
rationalization 合理化
reading disorder 阅读障碍
reality principle 现实原则
reality‐testing ability 现实检验能力
reflex hallucination 反射性幻觉
regression 退行
repression 压抑
retrograde amnesia 逆行性遗忘
Rett"s syndrome Rett综合征
rhembasmus 精神涣散
Rorschach inkblots test 洛夏墨迹测验
sadomasochism 性施虐与性受虐症
schizoid personality disorder 分裂样人格障碍
schizophrenia 精神分裂症
schizotypal personality disorder 分裂型人格障碍
secondary appraisal 次级评价
secondary prevention 二级预防
selective abstraction 选择性概括
self‐consciousness 自我意识
self‐efficacy 自我效能
severe mental retardation 重度智力障碍
sexual orientation disorders 性指向障碍
simple schizophrenia 单纯型精神分裂症
single‐case experimental study 单样本实验研究
social culture model 社会文化模型
social readjustment rating scale,SRRS 社会再适应评定量表
somatoform autonomic dysfunction 躯体形式自主神经紊乱
somatoform pain disorder 持续性躯体形式疼痛障碍
somatization disorder 躯体形式障碍
somnambulism 梦游症
sopor 昏睡
specific developmental disorders of scholastic skills 特定学校技能发育障碍
spelling disorder 拼写障碍
splitting of thought 破裂性思维
standardization 标准化
Stanford‐Binet scale,S‐B 斯坦福-比内智力量表
stereotyped act 刻板动作
stupor 木僵
stuttering 口吃
sublimation 升华
suggestibility 易暗示性
systematic desensitization系统脱敏疗法
tactile hallucination 幻触
tertiary prevention 三级预防
the buffering‐effect model 缓冲效应模型
the main‐effect model 主效应模型
thought insertion 思维插入
thought withdrawal 思维被夺
trait‐oriented approach 特质取向研究
transference 移情
transformation of personality 人格转换
transient tic disorder 抽动症
transsexualism 易性症
trazodone 曲唑酮
trial and error theory 尝试错误论
Turner"s syndrome 特纳氏综合征
twilight state 蒙眬状态
twin method 双生子研究法
unconditional positive regard 无条件积极关注
unconscious 无意识
underlying dysfunctional assumption 功能失调性假设
vaginismus 阴道痉挛
validity 效度
vicarious learning 替代性学习
visceral hallucination 内脏性幻觉
visual hallucination 幻视
voyeurism 窥阴症
waxy flexibility 蜡样屈曲
ways of coping 应对方式
Wechsler intelligence scale,W‐S 韦氏智力量表
will 意志