
第77章 Empirical studies on MSAs(13)

Second, modality supplementing is common in argumentative contexts.This is what previous research has not mentioned.In the experiment, it was found that the subjects subconsciously made use of a number of modality supplementing patterns, such as MSA + MV, MA + lexical verb, and MV + modal adjective and that both the long-distance and short-distance patterns of modality supplementing were employed.Consider the following:

(283)Then, of course, they will not spend much time on their study.

(284)We can find some students pay no attention to their study because they are always interested in computer games.

In Examples (283)and (284), the experiment subjects concerned used a short-distance pattern and a long-distance pattern of modality supplementing respectively.In the former example, the MSA of course acts as a comment adjunct; in the latter example, the MSA always functions as a mood adjunct, intensifying the modality of the MV can and pushing its value up from low to median.

Marmaridou (2000: 216-218)argues that modality construction is related to speech acts based on the interactions of pragmatic roles and cognitive inputs.If so, it may be concluded that the short-distance and long-distance patterns of modality supplementing represent two types of speech act situation.The former type of modality supplementing requires less work than the latter one as far as indirect speech acts are concerned.The choice of either of the patterns in speech or writing depends on the writer’s or speaker’s considerations.Judged in this way, the experimental subjects seemed to strike a balance between their own positions and negotiations with others in a sophisticated way.

Third, modality supplementing through MSAs is more frequent with low-valued and median-valued MVs than with high-value ones.This experiment shows that the MV must has no MSA in the writing experiment, neither does the MV shall have.This dovetails with the corpora findings that high-valued MVs tend to have fewer MSAs in genres other than LR.

The contributions of the experiment are assumed to lie in research and teaching.

6.10.3 Pedagogical implications

It can be concluded that cognitively and pragmatically, modality supplementing and MSAs are necessary for conveying attitude and judgment over debatable issues as far as genre is concerned.This experiment can reveal three pedagogical implications accordingly.

First of all, it would be a defect with China’s EFL textbooks as well as the English textbooks for native speakers if there were no part devoted to modality supplementing.It has been noted that modality supplementing through MSAs as well as other devices is common in English.

Next, it is suggested that modality supplementing through various patterns (including MSAs)be consciously taught in EFL classes.Krashen (1985)proposes that conscious learning be typical for foreign language learners, arguing that it is a process in which learners attend to form, figure out rules and are generally aware of their own process.Brown (1994: 327-328)also supports the conscious learning of writing in EFL situations.This dissertation endorses the idea that modality supplementing and MSAs should be taught consciously in China’s EFL classrooms.

Also, it would be fruitful if discourse analysis were approached by means of MSAs.It has been noted that MSAs are distributed based on generic features in connection with tenor, cognition, pragmatics and evaluation.This implies that both scholars and learners can understand the generation of discourse to some extent by means of an analysis of MSAs as a means of modality supplementing under the functional approach.

In short, this experiment emphasizes the effects of genre on the distributions of MSAs in discourse.Seen in this way, MSAs as a means of modality supplementing are worth paying attention to in theory and practice.

6.11 Summary

This chapter explores the discourse features and experimental result of MSAs.

It is found that the interpersonal meanings of MSAs, namely, value, stance and social distance, vary from genre to genre.Such distributions cater to generic demands.For instance, the MSAs of probability & usuality in JI outnumber those in LR.This may have much to do with the strong colloquial features, and the need of striking a balance between solidarity and deference in JI.

The other corpora findings are worth noting as well.For instance, more MSAs occur clause-initial and serve as comment adjuncts in AW than in PS or JI.This may be related to the greater need of foregrounding stance in AW.Also, some comparatively distinctive genre-affected pattern-like MSAs occur.In LR, such MSAs as therefore, hereinafter and on a de facto basis are common.This situation is much related to the necessity of highlighting hierarchy and verbal precision in this genre.

The teaching experiment shows the pedagogical implications of MSAs as a means of modality supplementing.The experiment demonstrates that MSAs are common even in EFL students’ argumentative writing.Hence, modality supplementing through various means, including MSAs, should be included in EFL textbooks and taught consciously.Also, discourse analysis could be fruitful by taking into account MSAs.

The experiment further proves the effects of genre and other factors on the use of MSAs in discourse for various types of interpersonal meaning (e.g.solidarity).It complements the corpora investigations in arguing for the feasibility of exploring MSAs as a means of modality supplementing.

MSAs can play the roles of modality supplementing in highlighting interpersonal meanings (i.e.value, stance and social distance)by means of the disambiguation of modal vagueness, modal synergy, and the prominence of generic features, realized by specific lexicogrammatical patterns.