

一个“feel threatened”,让李燕环对Nadim各种佩服啊!




她知道白凡奇的心态,就是生怕别人不知道她已经有了主,会来追她。但她就是没想到feel threatened这个说法上面去。






她好奇地问:“Why didn’t you want him to feel threatened?(为什么你不希望他感到地位受到威胁呢?)”

他一笑:“Do you want truth?(你想知道真相吗?)”

“Yes, of course.(当然想知道。)”

“Can you handle truth.(你受得了真相吗?)”


她想了一下,没想起来是哪部电影,不好附庸风雅,只得如实回答:“I think I can. Anyway, I’ve already handled the cruel truth of —what you know—(我觉得我受得了真相,反正我连那么残酷的真相都承受住了——你知道我说的是什么。)”

“You mean what Bai said about your —weight?(你是指白凡奇说的那些有关你——体重的话?)”


“But that’s not truth!(但那不是真相啊!)”

“That’s not?Then what is that?(那不是真相?那是什么呢?)”

“That’s his opinion!(那只是他的看法!)”



他接着说:“And totally wrong !(而且是彻头彻尾错误的看法!)”

“You don’t think I’m—too heavy?(你不认为我——太重了?)”

“Of course not!And I have the right to say so. (当然不!而且我有权说这话。)”他对她眨眨右眼,她明白他是指他曾经抱过她。

她的脸有点发烧,为了掩饰,她做了个鬼脸,说:“Bai never did that to me—(白凡奇从来没抱起过我——)”

“Because he’s not strong enough!(因为他没那么大的劲!)”他伸出两臂,做了个健美先生秀肌肉的动作。

两人笑了一会儿,她追问:“Then what is the truth?(那真相到底是什么呢?)”

“The truth is —I don’t want him to—block me from seeing you.(真相就是——我不希望他——阻拦我见你。)”

她正想问他 why,他做了个“别问”的手势,有点尴尬地说:“I know it sounds surreal,but the fact is —that—I fell in love with you at first sight—and at the story you told me—(我知道这听上去有点不像真的,但事实就是——就是——我第一次见到你就爱上你了——也爱上了你告诉我的那个故事——)”

“Which story?(哪个故事?)”

“The story about your name.(你名字的故事。)”

她开玩笑说:“I thought you mean the love story I made up—(我还以为你说的是我编的那个爱情故事呢——)”

他很认真地说:“I never feel that’s just a story you made up—(我从来没觉得那只是你编出来的故事——)”

“Then what do you think it is?(那你觉得是什么呢?)”

“That’s life,our life.(我觉得那是生活,我们的生活。)”

“But we never met before!(但我们以前根本都没见过面啊!)”

“We didn’t meet before, but that didn’t mean our life didn’t happen or we didn’t exist.(我们以前是没见过面,但那不等于我们以前没有生活过,也不等于我们以前从不存在。)”


她问:“Have you ever dreamed of —a Chinese girl —named Yan Huan?(你曾经梦想过一个——叫燕环的——中国女孩吗?)”

“Not Chinese,not Yan Huang—(我梦想的不是中国女孩,不是燕环——)”

她很失望,但他接着说:“But I dreamed of you—even though I didn’t know your name or —nationality.(但我梦想过你,虽然我不知道你的名字,也不知道你的国籍。)”


他接着说:“So when I first saw you in the lab,I told myself:it’s young fan!(所以当我在实验室第一次看见你的时候,我对自己说:这就是 young fan啊!)”

她搞糊涂了:“You mean I’m your —fans?(你的意思是我是你的——粉丝?)”

“No, not fans. It’s young fan!It’s a Chinese word!(不,不是粉丝,是 young fan!是个中文词啊!)”

“Chinese?You mean ‘raise the —sail’ ?(是个中文词?你的意思是‘扬——帆’?)”

“No, no, no. It has nothing to do with sail. It’s a famous Chinese word. All Chinese know it. OK,I remembered now. It means ‘monkey poop’ in Chinese!(不是,不是,不是,和‘帆’没一点关系,是一个很有名的中文词,中国人都知道的,好了,我想起来了,就是你们中文里的‘猴子屎’!)”

她叫起来:“What?You thought of monkey poop when you saw me the first time?(什么?你第一次见到我的时候想起的是猴子屎?)”

他看到她脸上恶心的表情,也搞糊涂了,讪讪地说:“Isn’t that a good thing?(猴子屎不好吗?)”

“What’s so good about monkey poop?(猴子屎好什么呀?)”

“Isn’t it the Chinese phrase for something like —God’s wish or —Cupid’s arrow?(那不是中文里相当于‘上帝的意旨’或者‘爱神之箭’的词吗?)”

她这才明白他说的是“缘分”,忍不住哈哈大笑起来:“Ha ha—,you must have been fooled by that Chinese resident —(哈哈,你肯定是被那个中国来的实习医生骗了——)”

他急切地问:“So it’s not monkey poop?Damn it!I knew Chinese wouldn’t use such a —disgusting word to mean something so beautiful and —heavenly—(不是猴子屎?该死!我就知道中国人不会用这么恶心的词来表示这么美好这么——神圣的意思——)”


他勤学好问的劲头又上来了:“Then what’s the right word for —Cupid’s arrow?(那‘爱神之箭’的正确说法应该是什么呢?)”

“You mean Chinese or English?(你是指中文还是英文?)”


“The Chinese word is yuan –fen. The English —I can’t find a better translation than yours.(中文就是‘缘分’,英文嘛——我还找不到一个比你更好的翻译。)”


她笑着说:“Good,good. That’s good enough.(好,好,说得挺像回事了。)”


她问:“Was that the first time you had that kind of —feeling?I mean, felt like—struck by Cupid’s arrow?(那是你第一次有那种——感觉吗?我的意思是感觉到好像——被爱神之箭给射中了一样?)”

他纠正说:“You should say ‘yong-fen’.(你应该说‘缘分’。)”

“OK,yuan-fen. (好吧,缘分。)”

“Yes,that’s the first and only time I’ve ever felt yong-fen. (是的,那是我第一次也是唯一的一次感到什么叫缘分。)”

她很感动,感动到晕晕乎乎的地步,但她不敢相信,怕是在做梦:“You never had any—girlfriends?(你从来没有过女朋友?)”

“I had. Two.(有过,有过两个。)”

“Why did you break up with them?(怎么跟她们吹了呢?)”

他耸耸肩,做个无奈的姿势:“Because neither was yong-fen.(因为都不是缘分。)”


他好像看出了她对“缘分”这个词的不信任,解释说:“One was in Lebanon, my high school classmate. But she didn’t want to come to the US with me, so we broke up.(一个在黎巴嫩,是我的高中同学,但她不愿意跟我到美国来,所以就吹了。)”


他又说:“The other one is here in the US. Her parents and my parents were friends back in Lebanon. Then her parents immigrated to US and had her. Our parents arranged our relationship. But she doesn’t want to go back to Lebanon with me, so we broke up.(另一个在美国,她父母和我父母在黎巴嫩时是好朋友。后来她父母移民来了美国,在这里生下了她。我们的恋爱是双方父母安排的,但她不愿意跟我回黎巴嫩,所以我们吹了。)”

“Wait, wait!I can understand why you wanted to come to the US, so I can understand why you broke up with your first girlfriend—(等等,等等。我可以理解你为什么想到美国来,所以能理解你为什么跟你第一个女朋友吹掉——)”

“Not I broke up with her. She broke up with me. (不是我跟她吹,是她跟我吹。)”

“OK,she broke up with you. But the second one—why do you want to go back to Lebanon?(好吧,是她跟你吹的。但第二个——你干吗要回黎巴嫩去呢?)”

“Not I want to. I have to. (不是我想回去,是我不得不回去。)”


“Because I’m on J-1 visa and have to go back ——at least for two years .(因为我是J-1签证,必须回国服务至少两年)。”

“But you can waive the two years!Ning Jia’s husband was on J-1 visa and he got a waiver. (但你可以免除这两年服务期啊!宁嘉的丈夫就是持J-1签证来美国的,他就免掉了这两年的服务期。)”

“It all depends. Some countries issue J-1 waivers,but some don’t.(看情况了,有的国家可以免除J-1的服务期,有的国家就不能。)”

“How about your country?(你的国家可以免除吗?)”

“No. At least that was what I told her.(不能,至少我是那么告诉她的。)”

她又生一计:“Then you can marry your US girlfriend and get a green card easily.(那你就和你的美国女友结婚,很容易就能拿到绿卡。)”



他点点头:“I know marrying a US citizen can usually get you a green card,but not for J-1 physicians. (我知道和美国公民结婚通常可以拿到绿卡,但持J-1签证的医生不行。)”


“I don’t know. Perhaps it’s because physicians are needed by their countries.(我不知道,可能是因为医生们自己的国家需要他们吧。)”


他突然问:“Are you willing to go to Lebanon with me?(你愿意跟我回黎巴嫩去吗?)”


“Yes, you!”

她是个为了爱情哪里都愿意去的人,前提是他爱她,但她真有点问不出口:“If you—”

他好像知道她问的是什么,很肯定地说:“Yes,I love you.”

“No kidding!(别开玩笑了!)”

“I’m not kidding!I mean it!(我没开玩笑,我说的是真的!)”


他急切地说:“I told you, I fell in love with you at first sight. Or I should say, before first sight. It’s Yong-fen,you know?I’ve always dreamed of meeting a girl who can make my heart miss a beat—Then I saw you—passing by—when I was talking with those lab girls—my heart missed—a beat!Then you told me our —love story—I was totally surprised —happily surprised —and my heart missed another beat—then another—Oh my god—is this real? Or just out of my imagination?My dream girl who also dreamed of me!(我告诉过你,我对你一见钟情,或者应该说在见到你之前我就对你钟情了。这就是缘分,对不?我一直都梦想遇到一个能让我的心儿停止一跳的女孩——。 然后我看见了你——从旁边经过——那时我正在跟实验室那几个女孩说话——我的心跳真的停了一下。后来你对我讲了我们的爱情故事——我大吃一惊——是很幸福的一惊——我的心跳又停了一下——然后再停一跳——老天——这是真的吗?还是我想象出来的?我的梦中情人竟然也把我当作她的梦中情人!)”