
第12章 (1)

It were a wearinessweariness n.疲倦, 厌烦, 疲劳 to follow in detail the leaps and bounds the Foster fictitious finances took from this time forth. It was marvelous, it was dizzying, it was dazzling. Everything Aleck touched turned to fairy gold, and heaped itself glittering toward the firmamentfirmament n.天空, 太空, 苍天。 Millions upon millions poured in, and still the mighty stream flowed thundering along, still its vast volume increased. Five millions—ten millions—twenty—thirty—was there never to be an end?


Two years swept by in a splendid delirium, the intoxicated Fosters scarcely noticing the flight of time. They were now worth three hundred million dollars, they were in every board of directors of every prodigious combinecombine v.(使)联合, (使)结合 n.联合企业, 联合收割机n.联合收割机 in the country, and still as time drifted along, the millions went on piling up, five at a time, ten at a time, as fast as they could tally them off, almost. The three hundred double itself—then doubled again—and yet again—and yet once more.


Twentyfour hundred millions!


The business was getting a little confused. It was necessary to take an account of stock, and straighten it out. The Fosters knew it, they felt it, they realized that it was imperativeimperative n.命令, 诫命, 需要, 规则, 祈使语气 adj.命令的,强制的, 紧急的, 必要的, 势在必行的, [语法]祈使的, but they also knew that to do it properly and perfectly the task must be carried to a finish without a break when once it was begun. A tenhours job, and where could THEY find ten leisure hours in a bunch? Sally was selling pins and sugar and calico all day and every day, Aleck was cooking and washing dishes and sweepingsweeping n.扫除, 垃圾 adj.扫荡的, 彻底的, 广泛的,规模大的 and making beds all day and every day, with none to help, for the daughters were being saved up for high society. The Fosters knew there was one way to get the ten hours, and only one. Both were ashamed to name it, each waited for the other to do it. Finally Sally said:“Somebodys got to give in. Its up to me. Consider that Ive named it—never mind pronouncing it out aloud.”

慢慢地,他们的生意有点儿乱了。有必要把股票的账目清一清,理理头绪。这一点福斯特夫妇懂得,也感觉出来了。他们意识到这项工作是必不可少的;然而,他们也懂得,想圆满完成这项任务,就要善始善终,一旦开始就不能中途停顿。完成这项工作需要十个钟头;可是,他们哪有整整十个钟头的空闲时间呢?萨利一天到晚忙着卖别针,卖糖,卖印花布,每日不变;艾莱柯一天到晚忙着做饭、刷碗、打扫屋子、叠被铺床,天天如此,没人帮她干家务,因为两个女儿都养精蓄锐等着跻身上流社会呢。福斯特夫妇知道有办法能腾出十个钟头来,这办法只有一个。可是夫妇俩人羞于启齿;都想等着对方先开口。最后,萨利开口了:  “总要有人让步,那我就让吧。既然我说了——声音大一点儿你也别在意。”

Aleck colored, but was grateful. Without further remark, they fell. Fell, and—broke the Sabbath. For that was their only free tenhour stretch. It was but another step in the downwarddownward adj.向下的 path. Others would follow. Vast wealth has temptations which fatally and surely undermine the moral structure of persons not habituatedhabituate vt.使习惯于, 使熟习于 to its possession.


They pulled down the shades and broke the Sabbath. With hard and patient labor they overhauled their holdings and listed them. And a longdrawn procession of formidableformidable adj.强大的, 令人敬畏的, 可怕的, 艰难的 names it was! Starting with the Railway Systems, Steamer Lines, Standard Oil, Ocean Cables, Diluted Telegraph, and all the rest, and winding up with Klondike, De Beers, Tammany Graft, and Shady Privileges in the Postoffice Department.


Twentyfour hundred millions, and all safely planted in Good Things, giltedged and interestbearing. Income, 120,000,000 a year. Aleck fetched a long purrpurr v.咕噜咕噜叫, 发出喉音 n.咕噜咕噜声 of soft delight, and said:“Is it enough?”


“It is, Aleck.”


“What shall we do?”


“Stand pat.”


“Retire from business?”


“Thats it.”


“I am agreed. The good work is finished, we will take a long rest and enjoy the money.”


“Good! Aleck!”


“Yes, dear?”


“How much of the income can we spend?”


“The whole of it.”


It seemed to her husband that a ton of chains fell from his limbs. He did not say a word; he was happy beyond the power of speech.
