
第9章 忒修斯(1)

Just as Heracles was the chief hero of Peloponnesus,so Theseus was the most famous half god of Attlca.His father was king Aegeus of Athens and his mother a princess of Troezen.When he was still an infant his father left him in the care of his mother and went back to his own kingdom.Before he left,Aegeus buried his sword and sandals under a huge stone,and told his mother to direct him to Athens as soon as he was big enough to lift the rock and take the hiddenhidden vbl.hide的过去分词adj.隐藏的gifts with him.At the age of sixteen he became a strong young man,intelligent and with lots of nerve.Taking the sword from under the rock,he joyfully set out to look for his father.It was a journey of adventures.But he cleared the roads of variousvarious adj.不同的,各种各样的,多方面的,多样的monsters and appeared harmless in his fathers palace at Athens.Little did he suspect that here would be an attempt on his life there.正如海格立斯是珀罗普妮萨斯的大英雄,忒修斯当之无愧地成了安提卡闻名遐迩的人神?他的父亲是雅典国王埃勾斯,而他的母亲是特洛曾的一位公主?当他还在襁褓中时,他父亲就把他交给了母亲,返回自己的王国去了?临行前,埃勾斯将剑和草鞋埋在一块巨石之下;并告诉他母亲说:一旦忒修斯长大了能搬起了石头,就拿出埋藏的礼物,然后指点他到雅典来?忒修斯16岁时就长成了身强体壮的年轻人,他智慧超群但却性情急躁?当他从巨石下拿出宝剑时,就激动地启程去寻找他的父亲?旅途惊险至极,他清除了路上所遇的各种怪物猛兽,最终安然无恙地来到父亲在雅典的王宫里?他丝毫没有预料到王宫里竟隐藏着杀害他的阴谋?

King Aegeus had recently married Medea,a bad woman.She was anxious to have the Athenian throne for her own child.She had persuaded the king to poison the newcomer at a feast.As the feast was in progress,King Aegeus saw Theseussword and recognized his son in the young man.Quickly pushing the poisoned cup aside,he took his son in his arms and declared him his successor.Thus troubled by her own evil designs,Mede fled in her dragon drawn carriage,never to return.for a time Theseus stayed with his father at Athens.When the Cretan bull escaped into the area of Marathon he set out alone to fight with the beast and offered it up as a sacrifice to the gods.国王埃勾斯新近娶了美狄亚?美狄亚是个心地歹毒的女人?她一心想让自己的孩子继承雅典王国的王位?她已说服国王让他毒死宴会上的这个陌生人?宴会上,埃勾斯国王看见了忒修斯的剑,立刻认出原来这个年轻人是自己的儿子?他迅速推开那杯毒酒,拥抱他,并宣布他为自己的王位继承人?美狄亚为自己的歹毒计划扰得心神不安,于是驾上龙车逃掉了,从此再没有回来?忒修斯在雅典与父亲住了一段时间?当克里坦的公牛跑到马拉松地区时,忒修斯单枪匹马前去向那只猛兽挑战,最终将它作为祭品献给了众神?