
第1章 Foreword

Wushu, the Chinese martial art form known as kungfu in the West, is a valuable cultural heritage of Chinese people and contribution to human civilization. Wushu, often used in the form of combat, consists of several different kinds of movements. The Chinese people’s determination to win and strong character traits are reflected in the fierce body combat (which appear in the form of postulated and imitation combat).

Wushu reflects the character of Chinese people and applies their unique understanding of theory and principle to combat. It differs from European and American boxing, which are widely known to be violent; and from Japanese Karate, which possesses the cultural characteristics of an island country; it is also different from Muay Thai, which has characteristics of strong jungle fury. Wushu is a particular balance between hard and soft, and extrinsic and intrinsic values, which not only show the robust beauty of one’s figure, but also the meaning of profound elegance. Apart from simply combat techniques, martial arts are rooted in Chinese philosophy, containing ancient Chinese philosophers’ understanding of life and the universe.

Wushu, which aims to improve health and self-defense, begins by fostering one’s moral character. The martial art movements are physically demonstrated while internal thoughts are static and neutralized; the energy is thus fierce on the outside and quiet on the inside, static on the inside and dynamic on the outside. Wushu is not fond of bravery, nor fighting. Like still waters, peace and quiet is considered the highest realm of martial arts.

Having survived the vicissitudes of life while maintaining all of its strength and vitality, some even believe Wushu to be the epitome of Chinese traditional culture and national spirit.