
第6章 The Beetle(3)


“None of them are engaged yet.”said their mother,and the beetle maidens tittered again,this time quite in confusion.


“I have never seen greater beauties,even in the royal stables.”exclaimed the beetle,who was now resting himself.


“Dont spoil my girls,”said the mother,“and dont talk to them,pray,unless you have serious intentions.”But of course the beetles intentions were serious,and after a while our friend was engaged.The mother gave them her blessing,and all the other beetles cried“hurrah.”


Immediately after the betrothal betrothal n.婚约,订婚礼came the marriage,for there was no reason to delay.The following day passed very pleasantly,and the next was tolerably tolerably adv.可容忍地,可宽恕地comfortable,but on the third it became necessary for him to think of getting food for his wife,and,perhaps,for children.


“I have allowed myself to be taken in,”said our beetle to himself,“and now theres nothing to be done but to take them in,in return.”


No sooner said than done.Away he went,and stayed away all day and all night,and his wife remained behind a forsaken (forsaken adj.被弃的,孤独的,被抛弃的)widow (widow n.寡妇v.使成寡妇(或鳏夫)).


“Oh,”said the other beetles,“this fellow that we have received into our family is nothing but a complete vagabond.He has gone away and left his wife a burden upon our hands.”


“Well,she can be unmarried again,and remain here with my other daughters.”said the mother,“Fie on the villain that forsook her!”


In the mean time the beetle,who had sailed across the ditch on a cabbage leaf,had been journeying on the other side.In the morning two persons came up to the ditch.When they saw him they took him up and turned him over and over,looking very learned all the time,especially one,who was a boy.“Allah sees the black beetle in the black stone,and the black rock.Is not that written in the Koran?”he asked.


Then he translated the beetles name into Latin,and said a great deal upon the creatures nature and history.The second person,who was older and a scholar,proposed to carry the beetle home,as they wanted just such good specimens (specimen n.范例,标本,样品,样本,待试验物)as this.Our beetle considered this speech a great insult,so he flew suddenly out of the speakers hand.His wings were dry now,so they carried him to a great distance,till at last he reached a hothouse,where a sash of the glass roof was partly open,so he quietly slipped in and buried himself in the warm earth.


“It is very comfortable here.”he said to himself,and soon after fell asleep.Then he dreamed that the emperors horse was dying,and had left him his golden shoes,and also promised that he should have two more.


All this was very delightful,and when the beetle woke up he crept forth and looked around him.What a splendid place the hothouse was!At the back,large palmtrees were growing;and the sunlight made the leaves—look quite glossy;and beneath them what a profusion( profusion n.丰富)of luxuriant green,and of flowers red like flame,yellow as amber,or white as newfallen snow!


“What a wonderful quantity of plants,”cried the beetle,“how good they will taste when they are decayed (decayed adj.烂了的,朽了的)!This is a capital storeroom.There must certainly be some relations of mine living here.I will just see if I can find any one with whom I can associate.Im proud,certainly,but Im also proud of being so.”Then he prowled about in the earth,and thought what a pleasant dream that was about the dying horse,and the golden shoes he had inherited.
