
第20章 The Racers(1)



A prize,or rather two prizes,had been announced—a big one and a little one—for the greatest swiftness(swiftness n.迅速,快),not in a single race,but for swiftness throughout an entire year.


“I got the first prize!”said the Hare,“There must be justice when relations and good friends are among the prize committee,but that the Suail should have received the second prize,I consider almost an insult(insult n.侮辱,凌辱vt.侮辱,凌辱)to myself.”


“No!”declared the Fencerail,who had been witness at the distribution of prizes,“Reference must also be had to industry and perseverance(perseverance n.坚定不移).Many respectable people said so,and I understood it well.The Snail certainly took half a year to get across the threshold(threshold n.门槛,开始,开端,极限),but has broken his thighbone in the haste he was compelled to make.He devoted himself entirely to his work,and he ran with his house on his back!All that is very praiseworthy,and thats how he got the second prize.”


“I might certainly have been considered too,said the Swallow.“I should think that no one appeared swifter in flying and soaring than myself,and how far I have been around—far—far—far!”


“Yes,thats just your misfortune.”said the Fencerail.“Youre too fond of fluttering.You must always be journeying about into far countries when it begins to be cold here.Youve no love of fatherland in you.You cannot be taken into account.”


“But if I lay in the swamp all through the winter?”said the Swallow.“Suppose I slept through the whole time,should I be taken into account then?”


“Bring a certificate from the old swampwife that you have slept away half the time in your fatherland,and you shall be taken into account.”


“I deserved the first prize,and not the second.”said the Snail,“I know so much at least,that the Hare only ran from cowardice(cowardice n.怯懦,胆小),because he thought each time there was danger in delay.I,on the other hand,made my running the business of my life,and have become a cripple(cripple n.跛子v.削弱)in the service.If any one was to have the first prize,I should have had it,but I make no fuss(fuss n.忙乱,大惊小怪,大惊小怪的人v.忙乱,大惊小怪),I despise it!”


And so he spat.“I am able to depose(depose vt.免职,废(王位),作证vi.宣誓作证)with word and oath that each prize,at least my vote for each,was given after proper consideration.”observed the old Boundarypost in the wood,who had been a member of the body of judges.“I always go on with due consideration,with order,and calculation.Seven times before I have had the honour to be present at the distribution of prizes,but not till today have I carried out my will.At each distribution I have started from a fixed principle.I always went to the first prize from the beginning of the alphabet(alphabet n.字母表),and to the second from the end.And if you will now take notice,when one starts from the beginning,the eighth letter from A is H,and there we have the Hare,and so I awarded him the first prize;the eighth letter from the end of the alphabet is S,and therefore the Snail received the second prize.Next time,I will have its turn for the first prize,and R for the second:there must be due order in everything!One must have a certain startingpoint!”