
第2章 The Garden of Paradise(2)

“Frostbitten!”said the North Wind,with a loud laugh,“Why frost is my greatest delight.What sort of a little snip are you,and how did you find your way to the cavern of the Winds?”


“He is my guest,”said the old woman,“and if you are not satisfied with that explanation you can go into the sack.Do you understand me?”


That settled the matter.So the North Wind began to relate his adventures,whence he came,and where he had been for a whole month.“I come from the polar seas,”he said;“I have been on the Bears Island with the Russian walrushunters.I sat and slept at the helm of their ship,as they sailed away from North Cape.Sometimes when I woke,the stormbirds would fly about my legs.They are curious birds;they give one flap with their wings,and then on their outstretched pinions pinion n.小齿轮soar far away.”


“Dont make such a long story of it,”said the mother of the winds;“what sort of a place is Bears Island?”


“A very beautiful place,with a floor for dancing as smooth and flat as a plate.Halfmelted snow,partly covered with moss,sharp stones,and skeletons of walruses and polarbears,lie all about,their gigantic limbs in a state of green decay.It would seem as if the sun never shone there.I blew gently,to clear away the mist,and then I saw a little hut,which had been built from the wood of a wreck,and was covered with the skins of the walrus (walrus n.[动]海象,海象胡须),the fleshy side outwards;it looked green and red,and on the roof sat a growling bear.Then I went to the sea shore,to look after birdsnests,and saw the unfledged nestlings opening their mouths and screaming for food.I blew into the thousand little throats,and quickly stopped their screaming.Farther on were the walruses with pigs heads,and teeth a yard long,rolling about like great worms.”


“You relate your adventures very well,my son,”said the mother,“it makes my mouth water to hear you.”


“After that,”continued the North Wind,“the hunting commenced.The harpoon was flung into the breast of the walrus,so that a smoking stream of blood spurted forth like a fountain,and besprinkled the ice.Then I thought of my own game;I began to blow,and set my own ships,the great icebergs sailing,so that they might crush the boats.Oh,how the sailors howled and cried out!but I howled louder than they.They were obliged to unload their cargo,and throw their chests and the dead walruses on the ice.Then I sprinkled snow over them,and left them in their crushed boats to drift southward,and to taste salt water.They will never return to Bears Island.”


“So you have done mischief!”said the mother of the Winds.


“I shall leave others to tell the good I have done.”he replied.“But here comes my brother from the West;I like him best of all,for he has the smell of the sea about him,and brings in a cold,fresh air as he enters.”


“Is that the little Zephyr?”asked the prince.


“Yes,it is the little Zephyr,”said the old woman;“but he is not little now.In years gone by he was a beautiful boy;now that is all past.”


“He came in,looking like a wild man,and he wore a slouched hat to protect his head from injury.In his hand he carried a club,cut from a mahogany tree in the American forests,not a trifle to carry.


“Whence do you come?”asked the mother.


“I come from the wilds of the forests,where the thorny (thorny adj.多刺的,痛苦的)brambles form thick hedges between the trees;where the watersnake lies in the wet grass,and mankind seem to be unknown.”


“What were you doing there?”


“I looked into the deep river,and saw it rushing down from the rocks.The water drops mounted to the clouds and glittered in the rainbow.I saw the wild buffalo (buffalo n.(印度,非洲等的)水牛;美洲野牛)swimming in the river,but the strong tide carried him away amidst a flock of wild ducks,which flew into the air as the waters dashed onwards,leaving the buffalo to be hurled over the waterfall.This pleased me;so I raised a storm,which rooted up old trees,and sent them floating down the river.”


“And what else have you done?”asked the old woman.


“I have rushed wildly across the savannahs (savannah n.(南美)大草原);I have stroked the wild horses,and shaken the cocoanuts from the trees.Yes,I have many stories to relate;but I need not tell everything I know.You know it all very well,dont you,old lady?”And he kissed his mother so roughly,that she nearly fell backwards.Oh,he was,indeed,a wild fellow.
