
第19章 The Snail and the RoseTree(2)

“No,”said the rosetree.“I bloom in gladness,because I cannot do otherwise.The sun shone and warmed me,and the air refreshed (refresh v.(使)精神振作,(使)精力恢复,更新)me.I drank the clear dew and the invigoratinginvigorating adj.精神充沛的,爽快的rain.I breathed and I lived!Out of the earth there arose a power within me,whilst from above I also received strength.I felt an everrenewed and everincreasing happiness,and therefore I was obliged to go on blooming.That was my life.I could not do otherwise.”


“You have led a very easy life.”remarked the snail.


“Certainly.Everything was given me.”said the rosetree.“But still more was given to you.Yours is one of those deepthinking natures,one of those highly gifted minds that astonishes the world.”


“I have not the slightest intention of doing so.”said the snail,“The world is nothing to me.What have I to do with the world?I have enough to do with myself,and enough in myself.”


“But must we not all here on earth give up our best parts to others,and offer as much as lies in our power?It is true,I have only given roses.But you—you who are so richly endowed endow v.捐赠,赋予—what have you given to the world?What will you give it?”


“What have I given?What am I going to give?I spit at it.Its good for nothing,and does not concern me.For my part,you may go on bearing roses.You cannot do anything else.Let the hazel bush bear nuts,and the cows and sheep give milk.They have each their public.I have mine in myself.I retire within myself and there I stop.The world is nothing to me.”


With this the snail withdrew into his house and blocked up the entrance.


“Thats very sad,”said the rose tree.“I cannot creep into myself,however much I might wish to do so;I have to go on bearing roses.Then they drop their leaves,which are blown away by the wind.But I once saw how a rose was laid in the mistresss hymnbook,and how one of my roses found a place in the bosom of a young beautiful girl,and how another was kissed by the lips of a child in the glad joy of life.That did me good;it was a real blessing.Those are my recollections,my life.”


And the rose tree went on blooming in innocence,while the snail lay idling in his house—the world was nothing to him.


Years passed by.The snail had turned to earth in the earth,and the rose tree too.Even the souvenir (souvenir n.纪念品)rose in the hymnbook was faded,but in the garden there were other rose trees and other snails.The latter crept into their houses and spat at the world,for it did not concern them.


Shall we read the story all over again?It will be just the same.
