
第25章 About Canoe and Kayak

The history of the canoe① and kayak② has been traced③ back thousands of years to when natives used these craft to hunt, fish and travel. Canoes were used mainly by the native North and South American Indians along with the Polynesian islanders of the Pacific. They were propelled through the water by single. bladed paddles usually made from wood.

The earliest known archaeological④ evidence of a canoe was unearthed at the tomb⑤ of a Sumerian king near the Euphrates River. This relic is estimated to be around 6000 years old. The counterpart of the American Indian canoe is the kayak which was introduced by Eskimos many years ago. These people inhabited⑥ the land to the far north of the American continent and Greenland.

① canoen. 独木舟;皮划;划子

② kayakn. 爱斯基摩小船, 小艇

③ tracev. 追溯;查考

④ archaeologicaladj. 考古学的

⑤ tombn. 墓;墓碑

⑥ inhabitv. 居住于;栖息于;存在于;占据


