
第338章 第三册(163)

"The Latin name for flax," he continued, "is linum. Here are some of the flax seeds. We call them linseed. The cloth we make from the bast fibers we call linen." "Rope, twine, and cordage of every kind, canvas, sail-cloth, and sacking are all made from the bast fibers in the inner bark of another plant, something like the flax," said Willie. "This is the hemp plant. It is grown in many parts of the world, and is not unlike the common nettle in appearance. You know you give hemp seed to the thrush and blackbird,Norah."

"Teacher showed us some other bast fibers called jute," said Fred. "This, like the flax and hemp, comes from the stem of the plant. It is the inner bark of the stem. Jute is not so tough and strong as flax or hemp, but it has a smooth, glossy appearance. It is largely used because it is cheap and easily worked. It is often mixed with flax and hemp to make certain kinds of goods."SUMMARY

The inner bark of the bass-wood yields bass or liber. The inner bark of the flax-plant yields material for making linen. Canvas, rope, and cordage are made from the inner bark of the hemp-plant. Jute is the inner bark of a plant and is used for many purposes.

Lesson 59
