
第182章 第三册(7)

Water is the natural drink of man and all animals. It is the natural cleanser. We cook and prepare our food with water. Water absorbs gases. Fishes can breathe in water, because it contains air. Drinking water should be kept from bad smells of all kinds.

Lesson 03

Birds and their Covering

"We have not had a chat about animals for a long time," said Fred. "Would you like us to start one this evening, Norah? We had a good lesson on birds today, and I think Will and I can tell you something about it.""Oh," said Norah, "I should like it very much." "Well then, you remember we talked aboutseveral animals last year," Fred began. "We had amongst others the cat, dog, sheep, pig, horse, cow, and rabbit. Now think of them, one by one. What sort of clothing have they?""They all have different sorts of coverings," saidNorah.

"Quite true," said Fred. "But all birds are clothed with feathers.