
第955章 The Voyage of the Dawn Treader(80)

The whole ship‘s company went ashore in two boatloads and everyone drank and washed deliciously in the river and had a meal and a rest before Caspian sent four men back to keep the ship, and the day’s work began. There was everything to be done. The casks must be brought ashore and the faulty ones mended if possible and all refilled; a tree.a pine if they could get it.must be felled and made into a new mast; sails must be repaired; a hunting party organized to shoot any game the land might yield; clothes to be washed and mended; and countless small breakages on board to be set right. For the Dawn Treader herself.and this was more obvious now that they saw her at a distance. could hardly be recognized as the same gallant ship which had left Narrowhaven. She looked a crippled, discolouredulk which anyone might have taken for a wreck. And her fficers and crew were no better.lean, pale, red.eyed from ck of sleep, and dressed in rags.