
第753章 Prince Caspian(91)

Everyone waited in silence while the three Dwarfs and two Badgers trotted stealthily across to the trees on the north.west side of the Lawn. Then came a sharp dwarfish cr y, “Stop! Who goes there?” and a sudden spring. A moment later a voice, which Caspian knew well, could he heard saying, “All right, all right, I‘m unarmed. Take my wrists if you like, worthy Badgers, but don’t bite right through them. I want to speak to the King.”

“Doctor Cornelius!” cried Caspian with joy, and rushed forward to greet his old tutor. Everyone else crowded round.

“Pah!” said Nikabrik. “A renegade Dwarf. A half.and. halfer! Shall I pass my sword through its throat?”

“Be quiet, Nikabrik,” said Trumpkin. “The creature can‘t help its ancestry.”

“This is my greatest friend and the saviour of my life,” said Caspian. “And anyone who doesn’t like his company may leave my army at once. Dearest doctor, I am glad to see you again. How ever did you find us out?”