
第649章 The Horse And His Boy(239)

Then Aravis told it. And Cor, who had very much wanted the story to be known, though he felt he couldn’t tell it himself, didn‘t enjoy it so much as he had expected, and indeed felt rather foolish. But his father enjoyed it very much indeed and in the course of the next few weeks told it to so many people that Cor wished it had never happened.

Then the King turned to Hwin and Bree and was just as polite to them as to Aravis, and asked them a lot ofquestions about their families and where they had lived in Narnia before they had been captured. The Horses were rather tongue.tied for they weren’t yet used to being talked to as equals by Humans.grown.up Humans, that is. They didn‘t mind Aravis and Cor.

Presently Queen Lucy came out from the castle and joined them and King Lune said to Aravis, “My dear, here is a loving friend of our house, and she has been seeing that your apartments are put to rights for you better than I could have done it.”