
第614章 The Horse And His Boy(204)

Just as the King and Queen reached the cottage and the Dwarfs began making low bows to them, King Edmund called out,“Now, friends! Time for a halt and a morsel!” and at once there was a great bustle of people dismounting and haversacks being opened and conversation beginning when Corin came running up to Shasta and seized both his hands and cried,“What! You here! So you got through all right? I am glad. Now we shall have some sport. And isn’t it luck! We only got into harbour at Cair Paravel yesterday morning and the very first person who met us was Chervy the Stag with all this news of an attack on Anvard. Don‘t you think.”

“Who is your Highness’s friend?” said King Edmund who had just got off his horse.

“Don‘t you see, Sire?” said Corin. “It’s my double: the boy you mistook me for at Tashbaan.”

“Why, so he is your double,” exclaimed Queen Lucy. “As like as two twins. This is a marvellous thing.”

“Please, your Majesty,” said Shasta to King Edmund, “I was no traitor, really I wasn‘t. And I couldn’t help hearing your plans. But I‘d never have dreamed of telling them to your enemies.”