
第508章 The Horse And His Boy(98)

Suddenly from somewhere behind him there came a terrible sound. Shasta’s heart gave a great jump and he had to bite his tongue to keep himself from screaming. Next moment he realized what it was: the horns of Tashbaan blowing for the closing of the gates. “Don‘t be a silly little coward,” said Shasta to himself. “Why, it’s only the same noise you heard this morning.” But there is a great difference between a noise heard letting you in with your friends in the morning, and a noise heard alone at nightfall, shutting you out. And now that the gates were shut he knewthere was no chance of the others joining him that evening. “Either they‘re shut up in Tashbaan for the night,” thought Shasta, “or else they’ve gone on without me. It‘s just the sort of thing that Aravis would do. But Bree wouldn’t. Oh, he wouldn‘t..now, would he?”

In this idea about Aravis Shasta was once more quite wrong. She was proud and could be hard enough but she was as true as steel and would never have deserted a companion, whether she liked him or not.