
第410章 The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe(190)

And that would have been the very end of the story if it hadn’t been that they felt they really must explain to the Professor why four of the coats out of his wardrobe were missing. And the Professor, who was a very remarkable man, didn‘t tell them not to be silly or not to tell lies, but believed the whole story. “No,” he said, “I don’t think it will be any good trying to go back through the wardrobe door to get the coats. You won‘t get into Narnia again by that route. Nor would the coats be much use by now if you did! Eh? What’s that? Yes, of course you‘ll get back to Narnia again some day. Once a King in Narnia, always a King inNarnia. But don’t go trying to use the same route twice. Indeed, don‘t try to get there at all. It’ll happen when you‘re not looking for it. And don’t talk too much about it even among yourselves. And don‘t mention it to anyone else unless you find that they’ve had adventures of the same sort themselves. What‘s that? How will you know? Oh, you’ll know all right. Odd things they say.even their looks.will let the secret out. Keep your eyes open. Bless me, what do they teach them at these schools?

And that is the ver y end of the adventure of the wardrobe. But if the Professor was right, it was only the beginning of the adventures of Narnia.