
第316章 The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe(96)

“Make ready our sledge,” ordered the Witch, “and use the harness without bells.”

The Spell Begins To Break

Now we must go back to Mr and Mrs Beaver and the three other children. As soon as Mr Beaver said, “There‘s no time to lose,” everyone began bundling themselves into coats, except Mrs Beaver, who started picking up sacks and laying them on the table and said: “Now, Mr Beaver, just reach down that ham. And here’s a packet of tea, and there‘s sugar, and some matches. And if someone will get two or three loaves out of the crock over there in the corner.”

“What are you doing, Mrs Beaver?” exclaimed Susan. “Packing a load for each of us, dearie,” said Mrs Beaververy coolly. “You didn’t think we‘d set out on a journey with nothing to eat, did you?”

“But we haven’t time!” said Susan, buttoning the collar of her coat. “She may be here any minute.”

“That‘s what I say,” chimed in Mr Beaver.

“Get along with you all,” said his wife. “Think it over, Mr Beaver. She can’t be here for quarter of an hour at least.”

“But don‘t we want as big a start as we can possibly get,” said Peter, “if we’re to reach the Stone Table before her?”