
第1525章 The Last Battle(102)

It was a little after two in the afternoon when they set ut, and it was the first really warm day of that spring. The oung leaves seemed to be much further out than yesterday: he snow.drops were over, but they saw several primroses. he sunlight slanted through the trees, birds sang, andalways (though usually out of sight) there was the noise of running water. It was hard to think of horrible things like Tash. The children felt, “This is really Narnia at last.” Even Tirian‘s heart grew lighter as he walked ahead of them, humming an old Narnian marching song which had the refrain:

Ho, rumble, rumble, rumble Rumble drum belaboured.

After the King came Eustace and Poggin the Dwarf. Poggin was telling Eustace the names of all the Narnian trees, birds, and plants which he didn’t know already. Sometimes Eustace would tell him about English ones.