
第1502章 The Last Battle(79)

When you have been whispering for hours the mere ound of anyone talking out loud has a wonderfully stirring ffect. The whole party began talking and laughing: even uzzle lifted up his head and gave a grand Haw.hee.haw. ee.hee; a thing the Ape hadn‘t allowed him to do for days. Then they set off in the direction of the drumming. It rew steadily louder and soon they could see torchlight s well. They came out on one of those rough roads (we hould hardly call them roads at all in England) which ran hrough Lantern Waste. And there, marching sturdily along, ere about thirty Dwarfs, all with their little spades and attocks over their shoulders. Two armed Calormenes led he column and two more brought up the rear.

“Stay!” thundered Tirian as he stepped out on the road. Stay, soldiers. Whither do you lead these Narnian Dwarfs nd by whose orders?“Mainly About DwarfsThe two Calormene soldiers at the head of the column, seeing what they took for a Tarkaan or great lord with two armed pages, came to a halt and raised their spears in salute. “O My Master,” said one of them, “we lead these manikins to Calormen to work in the mines of The Tisroc, may.he.

live.forever. “