
第1449章 The Last Battle(26)

“Fool and tyrant! Do you not see I am doing all I can?” When Tirian knew that the Horse was one of his own arnians, there came over him and over Jewel such a rage hat they did not know what they were doing. The King‘s word went up, the Unicorn’s horn went down. They rushed orward together. Next moment both the Calormenes lay ead, the one beheaded by Tirian‘s sword and the other ored through the heart by Jewel’s horn.

The Ape In Its Glory

“Master Horse, Master Horse,” said Tirian as he hastily cut its traces, “how came these aliens to enslave you? Is Narnia conquered? Has there been a battle?”

“No, Sire,” panted the horse, “Aslan is here. It is all by his orders. He has commanded.”

“‘Ware danger, King,” said Jewel. Tirian looked up and saw that Calormenes (mixed with a few Talking Beasts) were beginning to run towards them from every direction. The two dead men had died without a cry and so it had taken a moment before the rest of the crowd knew what had happened. But now they did. Most of them had naked scimitars in their hands.

“Quick! On my back!” said Jewel.