
第1434章 The Last Battle(11)

“You are unkind, Puzzle,” said Shift. “If you’re tired, what o you think I am? All day long, while you‘ve been having lovely refreshing walk down the valley, I’ve been working ard to make you a coat. My hands are so tired I can hardly old these scissors. And you won‘t say thank you.and you on’t even look at the coat.and you don‘t care.and. nd.”

“My dear Shift,” said Puzzle, getting up at once, “I am so orry. I’ve been horrid. Of course I‘d love to try it on. And it oks simply splendid. Do try it on me at once. Please do.” “Well, stand still then,” said the Ape. The skin was very eavy for him to lift, but in the end, with a lot of pulling nd pushing and puffing and blowing, he got it on to the onkey. He tied it underneath Puzzle’s body and he tied the gs to Puzzle‘s legs and the tail to Puzzle’s tail. A good deal f Puzzle‘s grey nose and face could be seen through the pen mouth of the lion’s head. No one who had ever seen real lion would have been taken in for a moment. But if omeone who had never seen a lion looked at Puzzle in his on.skin he just might mistake him for a lion, if he didn‘t ome too close, and if the light was not too good, and if uzzle didn’t let out a bray and didn‘t make any noise with is hoofs.