
第1423章 The Silver Chair(276)

But far off in Narnia, King Rilian buried his father, aspian the Navigator, Tenth of that name, and mourned or him. He himself ruled Narnia well and the land was appy in his days, though Puddleglum (whose foot was as ood as new in three weeks) often pointed out that bright ornings brought on wet afternoons, and that you couldn’t xpect good times to last. The opening into the hillside was ft open, and often in hot summer days the Narnians go there with ships and lanterns and down to the water and ail to and fro, singing, on the cool, dark underground sea, lling each other stories of the cities that lie fathoms deep elow. If ever you have the luck to go to Narnia yourself, doot forget to have a look at those caves.