
第1373章 The Silver Chair(226)

“Too near the top, the outside,” said Golg, shuddering. That was the worst thing the Witch did to us. We were oing to be led out into the open.on to the outside of theworld. They say there‘s no roof at all there; only a horrible great emptiness called the sky. And the diggings have gone so far that a few strokes of the pick would bring you out to it. I wouldn’t dare go near them.““Hurrah! Now you‘re talking!” cried Eustace, and Jill said, “But it’s not horrid at all up there. We like it. We live there.” “I know you Overlanders live there,” said Golg. “But I thought it was because you couldn‘t find your way down inside. You can’t really like it.crawling about like flies onthe top of the world!”

“What about showing us the road at once?” said Puddleglum.