
第1365章 The Silver Chair(218)

But when they had climbed many steep streets and were r away from the flood, and almost out of the town on he inland side, it began to be more serious. They were ow close to the red glow and nearly on a level with it, hough they still could not see what it really was. But y its light they could see their enemies more clearly. undreds.perhaps a few thousands.of gnomes were all oving towards it. But they were doing so in short rushes, nd whenever they stopped, they turned and faced the avellers.

“If your Highness asked me,” said Puddleglum, “I‘d saythose fellows were meaning to cut us off in front.”

“That was my thought too, Puddleglum,” said the Prince. “And we can never fight our way through so many. Hark you! Let us ride forth close by the edge of yonder house. And even as we reach it, do you slip off into its shadow. The Lady and I will go forward a few paces. Some of these devils will follow us, I doubt not; they are thick behind us. Do you, who have long arms, take one alive if you may, as it passes your ambush. We may get a true tale of it or learn what is their quarrel against us.”

“But won’t the others all come rushing at us to rescue the one we catch,” said Jill in a voice not so steady as she tried to make it.