
第1327章 The Silver Chair(180)

“Quick! I am sane now. Every night I am sane. If only I ould get out of this enchanted chair, it would last. I should e a man again. But every night they bind me, and so every ight my chance is gone. But you are not enemies. I am not our prisoner. Quick! Cut these cords.”

“Stand fast! Steady,” said Puddleglum to the two children. “I beseech you to hear me,” said the Knight, forcing imself to speak calmly. “Have they told you that if I am eleased from this chair I shall kill you and become a erpent? I see by your faces that they have. It is a lie. It is t this hour that I am in my right mind: it is all the rest of he day that I am enchanted. You are not Earthmen nor itches. Why should you be on their side? Of your courtesy, ut my bonds.”

“Steady! Steady! Steady!” said the three travellers to one another.