
第1325章 The Silver Chair(178)

“Come in, friends,” he said, glancing quickly up. “The fit is not yet upon me. Make no noise, for I told that prying chamberlain that you were in bed. Now . . . I can feel it coming. Quick! Listen while I am master of myself. When the fit is upon me, it well may be that I shall beg and implore you, with entreaties and threatenings, to loosen my bonds. They say I do. I shall call upon you by all that is most dear and most dreadful. But do not listen to me. Harden your hearts and stop your ears. For while I am bound you are safe. But if once I were up and out of this chair, then first would come my fury, and after that” .he shuddered. “the change into a loathsome serpent.”

“There‘s no fear of our loosing you,” said Puddleglum. “We’ve no wish to meet wild men; or serpents either.”

“I should think not,” said Scrubb and Jill together.

“All the same,” added Puddleglum in a whisper. “Don‘t t’s be too sure. Let‘s be on our guard. We’ve muffed verything else, you know. He‘ll be cunning, I shouldn’t onder, once he gets started. Can we trust one another? Do e all promise that whatever he says we don‘t touch those ords? Whatever he says, mind you?”

“Rather!” said Scrubb.