
第1321章 The Silver Chair(174)

“Where I come from,” said Jill, who was disliking him more every minute, “they don’t think much of men who are bossed about by their wives.”

“Shalt think otherwise when thou hast a man of thine own, I warrant you,” said the Knight, apparently thinking this very funny. “But with my Lady, it is another matter. I am well content to live by her word, who has already saved me from a thousand dangers. No mother has taken painsore tenderly for her child, than the Queen‘s grace has or me. Why, look you, amid all her cares and business, she deth out with me in the Overworld many a time and oft to ccustom my eyes to the sunlight. And then I must go fully rmed and with visor down, so that no man may see my ce, and I must speak to no one. For she has found out by rt magical that this would hinder my deliverance from the rievous enchantment I lie under. Is not that a lady worthy f a man’s whole worship?”

“Sounds a very nice lady indeed,” said Puddleglum in aoice which meant exactly the opposite.