
第1300章 The Silver Chair(153)

Long, long afterwards, without the slightest warning, an tterly strange voice spoke. They knew at once that it was ot the one voice in the whole world for which each had ecretly been hoping; the voice of Aslan. It was a dark, flat oice.almost, if you know what that means, a pitch.black oice. It said:

“What make you here, creatures of the Overworld?”

Travels Without The Sun

“Who‘s there?” shouted the three travellers.

“I am the Warden of the Marches of Underland, and with me stand a hundred Earthmen in arms,” came the reply. “Tell me quickly who you are and what is your errand in the Deep Realm?”

“We fell down by accident,” said Puddleglum, truthfully enough.

“Many fall down, and few return to the sunlit lands,” said the voice. “Make ready now to come with me to the Queen of the Deep Realm.”

“What does she want with us?” asked Scrubb cautiously. “I do not know,” said the voice. “Her will is not to bequestioned but obeyed.”