
第1237章 The Silver Chair(90)

That night they bivouacked on the bare moor, and uddleglum showed the children how to make the best of heir blankets by sleeping back to back. (The backs keep ach other warm and you can then have both blankets on op.) But it was chilly even so, and the ground was hard and mpy. The Marsh.wiggle told them they would feel more omfortable if only they thought how very much colder it ould be later on and farther north; but this didn’t cheer hem up at all.

They travelled across Ettinsmoor for many days, saving he bacon and living chiefly on the moor.fowl (they werenot, of course, talking birds) which Eustace and the wiggle shot. Jill rather envied Eustace for being able to shoot; he had learned it on his voyage with King Caspian. As there were countless streams on the moor, they were never short of water. Jill thought that when, in books, people live on what they shoot, it never tells you what a long, smelly, messy job it is plucking and cleaning dead birds, and how cold it makes your fingers. But the great thing was that they met hardly any giants. One giant saw them, but he only roared with laughter and stumped away about his own business.