
第1228章 The Silver Chair(81)

“Shut up and don‘t be an ass, Scrubb,” said Jill hastily, terrified lest the Marsh.wiggle should take him at his word. “Don’t you lose heart, Pole,” said Puddleglum. “I‘mcoming, sure and certain. I’m not going to lose anpportunity like this. It will do me good. They all say.I ean, the other wiggles all say.that I‘m too flighty; don’t ake life seriously enough. If they‘ve said it once, they’ve aid it a thousand times. ‘Puddleglum,’ they‘ve said, ’you‘re together too full of bobance and bounce and high spirits. ou’ve got to learn that life isn‘t all fricasseed frogs and eel ie. You want something to sober you down a bit. We’re nly saying it for your own good, Puddleglum.‘ That’s hat they say. Now a job like this.a journey up north just s winter‘s beginning, looking for a prince who probably n’t there, by way of a ruined city that no one has ever een.will be just the thing. If that doesn‘t steady a chap, don’t know what will.” And he rubbed his big frog.like ands together as if he were talking of going to a party or a antomime. “And now,” he added, “let‘s see how those eels re getting on.”