
第1177章 The Silver Chair(30)

Staring at the blue plain below her, she presently noticed that there were little dots of brighter, paler colour in it here and there. “It‘s the sea!” thought Jill. “I do believe those are islands.” And so they were. She might have felt rather jealous if she had known that some of them were islands which Scrubb had seen from a ship’s deck and even landed on; but she didn‘t know this. Then, later on, she began to see that there were little wrinkles on the blue flatness; little wrinkles which must be quite big ocean waves if you were down among them. And now, all along the horizon there was a thick dark line which grew thicker and darker so quickly that you could see it growing. That was the first sign she had had of the great speed at which she was travelling. And she knew that the thickening line must be land.