
第1117章 The Voyage of the Dawn Treader(242)

Long afterwards when she was back in England and talked all these adventures over with Edmund, they thought of a reason and I am pretty sure it is the true one. In the sea, the deeper you go, the darker and colder it gets, and it is down there, in the dark and cold, that dangerous things live.the squid and the Sea Serpent and the Kraken. The valleys are the wild, unfriendly places. The sea people feel about their valleys as we do about mountains, and feel about their mountains as we feel about valleys. It is on the heights (or, as we would say, “in the shallows”) that there is warmth and peace. The reckless hunters and brave knights of the sea go down into the depths on quests and adventures, but return home to the heights for rest and peace, courtesy and council, the sports, the dances and the songs.

They had passed the city and the sea.bed was still rising. It was only a few hundred feet below the ship now. The road had disappeared. They were sailing above an open,ark.like country, dotted with little groves of brightly. oloured vegetation. And then.Lucy nearly squealed aloud ith excitement.she had seen People.