
第26章 Along the River during......(2)

Although in a defensive posture for a long time in its wars with outsiders,the Northern Song court was still able to create a glorious cultural arena inside the country.A necessary precondition for culture to flourish is a political environment that is relatively open and enlightened.It may be said that Northern Song is the only dynasty in ancient Chinese history that had a court that did not kill intellectuals just because they held different political views.It is probably due to this enlightened position that Northern Song could reach such peaks of cultural attainment in the Chinese feudal system.Because of this,Bian or Kaifeng also became the only capital city not to experience a violent transition in imperial power.Although it was not grand and mighty,still it did not labor under a shadow of shame for murdering rationality and perpetrating violence against all good conscience.Onthe contrary,looking at the glorious accomplishments thatremain as evidence in the fields of literature,arts,science and technology,among many ancient cities,it uniquely possesses a propitious quality and therefore shines in the annals of history.

Therelativelybenigngoverningenvironmentof the Northern Song was built on the foundation of an approach first encouraged by the founding emperor of the dynasty,Zhao Kuangyin(960–976).A political posture of rule by the“wen”or civic side as opposed to“wu”or the military side,then became the ongoing tradition of the dynasty.Zhao Kuangyin had a painful understanding of the results of military rule dating from the closing years of the Tang Dynasty.He yearned to have“civic”officials hold the reigns to government.He aimed for a government by“good”men.In order to cultivate and protect a contingent of civic officials who were of high quality and stable in their occupations,he instituted a number of policies that are worth enumerating.One was emphasis on using old intellectuals,rediscovering their latent potential and putting it to use for the newgovernment.These so-called“old intellectuals,”simply meant those scholars who had exited from public life due to the historical background of the Five Dynasties(907–960).Generally these men had previously been officials.Zhao Kuangyin was put on the throne by a military group,but he preferred that the country be entrusted to civic officials.He carefully selected intellectuals to serve,he revised official ranks,he upgraded official quality.One outstanding aspect in this regard was his further development of the keju examination system.His careful monitoring of the examination turned it into a large-scale employment system,and overcame the influence of the practice from Han and Tang times of using warlords as the source of high officialdom.This increased the chances of advancement for small and medium-sized landowners and for the lower ranks of intellectuals.An excellent exam system gradually formed into a tradition.The later Song Dynasty produced many superlative officials who had come from impoversished families—the reason to a large degree was this healthy examination system.Extending relatively free latitude to intellectuals and ruling in apermissivepoliticalenvironmentwereconscious decisions on the part of the Emperor.A Song-dynasty writer has dcescribed the way Zhao Kuangyin erected a large stele in the sleeping chamber of the Royal Ancestral Temple.It was seven or eight feet high,and was called the Oath Stelae.The most important lines made it clear that rulers and those in power were forbidden to kill officials who presented contrary points of view,or officials who made unpleasant reports to the emperor.The wording of the Oath Stelae was simple but defined a bottom line of safety for intellectuals which was of extreme importance in motivating their intelligence,wisdom,and candid views.That so very many outstanding political,philosophical,and literary leaders emerged in the Song Dynasty was in large part due to this:the government was stable and effective and people who stood to benefit in different ways maintained balance and stability in the midst of competing with one another so that they didnot end up drawing blood.The government derived itsstrength from this principle of“not killing people.”In the long course of Chinese history,this intelligent policy of protecting intellectuals was unique.

The development of culture and the development of commerce are closely related.Kaifeng was a prime example.Comparedtomanagementofcapitalsinpreviousdynasties,Kaifengwasasupremely commercialized city.Kaifeng destroyed the distinction that had been followed in the Chang’an capital of Sui and Tang of keeping the“lanes,”or the residential section,separate from the“market,”or the commercial section.It also got rid of the distinction between day and night—there were shops and wine houses everywhere,and many were open for business 24 hours a day.Night business was an important mark of a commercialized city.This was not restricted to eating and drinking;entertainment naturally was a part of the scene too.In this regard,Kaifeng could be considered a city thatbenefited from break-through developments.One was theuncouplingoftheentertainmentbusinessfrom imperial monopoly control.Only in the time of the Song dynasty did the theatrical industry finally move towards“min-jian”status,or“of the people.”The theater enjoyed unprecedented development as a result.There was an infinite variety of forms of theatrical entertainment,shadow-puppets,acrobatics,singing,acting,cross-talk…Each developed its highly skilled“stars”who were adored by the public.

As an ancient cit y,there is no substitute for the position of Kaifeng in Chinese history.If you were to view the long course of Chinese history as a long scroll,you would see bloody scenes throughout the early and the late sections.But in the middle,in the Northern Song capital of Kaifeng,although it lasted over 160 years there was no occasion on which the people were subjected to large-scale slaughter.Intellectuals were given particular protection.Since they were living under an autocratic rule,this was all the more a matter to be celebrated.Why is this painting by Zhang Zeduan so treasured by people throughout the ages?One important reason may be because viewers see an ideal lifestyle in the painting.They catch glimpses of bygone times and recognize hopes that are worthy of preserving.