



I.It was bright and beautiful all day.In the evening the coal glowed in the grate with a splendid blaze.All the gas-burners were lighted,and so were every body’s eyes.

2.If you had listened you might have heard a joyful tinkling of sleigh-bells out of doors;but I believe nobody could have told whether the streets were still or noisy,or whether the sky had a moon in it or not;for nobody was quiet long enough to notice.

3.By-and-by the folding-doors were opened,just like the two covers to a Christmas fairybook!Then how still it was,all in a second.Such a funny little old man!his face all alive with dimples and smiles and wrinkles!

4.His cheeks were as red and round as winter apples,and where there was not a wrinkle there was a dimple;and I suppose there was one in his chin,and his chin,may be,was double,only you could not tell,for it was hidden ever so deep under a beard as white as a snow-drift.

5.He walked along,tottering under the weight of a huge pack full of presents.His eyes twinkled with fun,and his mouth,which seemed nearly worn out with laughing,grewbigger every minute.

6.It took the little old gentleman some time to clear his throat before he made his speech.It was such a funny speech,I thought I would write it down,so that all the little boys and girls who did not hear it could read it.










1.“Halloo,children!halloo all round!Bless your little hearts,how do you do?Did they tell you Santa wasn‘t coming,my dears?Did your grandpas and grandmas say ’Humph!‘2.”My love to the old people-tell them they’ll have to give it up now.“Here Santa Claus made a low bow.Every body laughed and clapped;but Prudy whispered,“He‘ll drop it off,I’m afraid!”meaning the pack.

3.“Yes,any dears,here I am,as jolly as ever;but bless your sweet little eyes,I‘ve had a terrible time getting here!The wind has been blowing me up,and I’ve been shaken round like a kernel of corn in a popper!

4.”I‘ve been ducked up to the chin in some great snow-banks,away up by the North Pole!And I was cruising round all last night-didn’t sleep a wink-got so broken up,there‘s nothing left of me but pieces!

5.“Oh,oh!don’t you make fun of me,children!If you love me as I love you,you won‘t mind the looks!I set out to fix up a little,and then,thought I,I’ll come just as I am.I patted myself on the shoulder,and said,‘Santa Claus,don’t you fret,if you are growing old.‘6.”You see,father Adam and I were about of an age,but somehow I never grew up.I always thought big folks were well enough in their place,but give me the children!Harrah .for the children!

7.“I tell you,darlings,I haven’t forgot one of you?My pockets are running over!Here‘s a doll for the Prudy girl,and she may have it for nothing,and they’re cheaper than if you take a lot of them!

8.”I‘ve got more nuts than you can shake a hammer at;but I think there’s more bark to them than there is bite!Oh,oh!I can‘t crack them with my teeth as I used to a few hundred years ago.

9.“But,my dear,cunning,sweet little midgets,I must be going!Queen Vic said to me,’Now,Santa,my love,do you get back to fill my children‘s pockets before the clock strikestwelve!’

10.”Good night,dears!A Merry Christmas to you all,and a Happy New Year!“11.So saying,Santa Claus suddenly disappeared at the hall-door,dropping his heavy pack,which fell to pieces with a bang,scattering its content‘s over the floor,causing Prudy to exclaim,“I s’posed he‘d drop it!I s’posed ‘twould break!”

12.In another minute the lively old gentleman was in the front parlor without any mask,and of course it was nobody but cousin Arthur “with his face off.”

13.Then they all went to work sorting out presents.It would not do to name many of them;it would take too long.

14.Prudy seized her fur tippet and put it on at once.“Oh,how pretty I look!”said she,“just like a little cat!Isn’t it cunning?”

15.Then she had a wax doll,which “would be alive if itcould talk;”to say nothing of new gaiters a hood,and a scarf.

16.Susie had no end of pretty things,too;and though she did not talk quite so much as Prudy,she was just as happy.She had what she had never dreamed was possible for a little girl to have-a bottle of “Jockey Club”-“just like a young lady!”

17.This was really a great delight to Susie;but Prudy,sniffing it,said coolly,“Oh,ho!it smells as if it didn‘t cost more than a cent!’Tisn‘t half so sweet as pep’mint!”

18.I should like to tell a great deal more about the evening;what they did and said;how they ate Santa Claus‘s nuts,candy and figs;and how they played what Prudy called “blind man’s buffalo,”with no fear of being told it was bedtime,-but I can not now.







