
第4章 爱是琥珀(4)

Every night she would go to sleep,thinking of the cloud city and what it would be like to see the sunset beneath her feet,or what it would be like to sail across the Lava Sea on a steam powered gnome-made ship,or to safari through the alive jungles,meeting and greeting with the vegetarian headhunters. She,d dream of doing these wonderful worldly things with the love of her life.

Elizabeth lived with her mother,her little sister,and her step-father named Ray. Her biological father left her and her mother when Elizabeth was only five years old. Elizabeth,s mother,a year later,met and married Ray,a simple coal miner but a responsible one.

Every time Elizabeth would talk about flying on a magic carpet with her Persian prince named Hektor,or riding inside a-horse-drawn carriage with her French impressionist boyfriend named Jacque,or sailing the seven seas with her pirate king named Clair,her mother would smile slightly and say,“That,s nice,dear. Now eat your pudding.”

One day,she received a scroll from her biological father. He wrote,“Elizabeth,I,ve been on a great and grand adventure across the globe! I,ve seen the old oak tree in the middle of Palm Springs! I,ve dined with the elves of Qual! I,ve rode on the backs of the stone bulls in Orga! It has been a lovely experience! But I miss my lovely daughter. So,on your 13th birthday,I will whisk you away and show you all the wonders of the world!”

Elizabeth was ecstatic. She was more excited than she had ever been. She was finally going to see the world! And with her father,her real father,no doubt! She began packing her clothes and her shoes and her bug spray,as her 13th birthday was fast approaching.

Every day and every night,up until her 13th birthday,Elizabeth could think of nothing else and nothing less than the wonders of the world she would get to see: the unending caves,the glowing rivers,the chocolate swamps… And she would be with her father,her real father.

Her birthday came and went,but her real father did not arrive. Months went by and Elizabeth became sad. She stopped dreaming of the Ice Cream Castle. She stopped thinking of the mechanical city. She stopped wondering to see the giant eagles at the top of the mountains. All she did was not talk,and eat her pudding.

On her 14th birthday,her stepfather Ray walked into her room. He was covered in ash and soot, as his day job was to mine coal. He seemed to have an extra thick layer and Elizabeth was hardly able to see his eyes.

“Elizabeth,”He said,coughing,dust coming out of his gray-caked lips,“I know this isn,t much,but I have something for you.”

Elizabeth looked at Ray,s hands. It was a book.

“What,s that for?”Elizabeth asked.

Ray said,coughing.“It,s a manual on how to operate a hot air balloon.”

“What would I need that for?”Elizabeth asked,bewildered .

“Because I made you one.”Ray said,wheezing .

Elizabeth looked at Ray. He was from head to toe in ash,soot and dirt. She knew he wasn,t a rich man,but he was a responsible and nice one. He was a quiet one,but he listened to everything going on around him. She quickly deduced Ray was working overtime to make enough money to buy the parts necessary to make a hot air balloon. For her to fly around the world and for her to adventure.

She burst into tears.

“Oh,don,t cry…”Ray said,embarrassed,“Sorry. I know. It,s not much. But it,s the best I could do…”

“No!”Elizabeth said,crying,“It is the best gift I have ever received!”

“Really?”Ray asked,scratching his head,“It,s not a fancy plane or a horse carriage or a power train. It,s just a hot air balloon.”

Elizabeth smiled the biggest smile in her history. She cried out of love because the love that she finally saw just couldn,t be contained inside of her 14 year old body. She rushed into Ray,s arms to give him a hug. Dust and soot drifted around them.“Thank you,dad,”Elizabeth whispered. Ray smiled.“You,re welcome.”

Here love is on her side.




每次伊丽莎白谈论自己和她的波斯王子赫克拖尔坐在魔毯上飞来飞去,或是和她的那位身为法国印象派画家的 男朋友雅凯同乘一辆单马拉的马车,或是和她的海盗王克莱尔在七大洋中航行,她的妈妈就会浅浅笑道:“亲爱的,那很棒哦。现在吃你的布丁吧。”

一天,她收到亲生父亲寄来的一轴信卷。他在信上写道:“伊丽莎白,我已经进行了一次伟大又隆重的环球冒 险!我已经在棕榈泉看过那棵老橡树,已经同夸尔的小精灵们共进晚餐,已经骑过奥加斗牛石的石背,这真是 一次美妙的经历啊!但是我很想念我可爱的女儿,所以,在你十三岁生日的时候,我会带你飞去看看世界上所 有的奇观!”


在她的十三岁生日之前的每一个日日夜夜,伊丽莎白所想象的没有其他,无外乎是她将会目睹到的世间奇观: 无穷无尽的洞穴、灼热的河流、巧克力沼泽……而且她会和她的爸爸在一起,她真正的爸爸。

















【释义】n. 搅拌器;扫帚;毛掸子 vt. 拂,掸;搅拌;挥动 vi. 飞奔


【释义】n. 素食者;食草动物 adj. 素食的


【释义】adj. 负责的,可靠的;有责任的


【释义】n. 印象主义者;印象派作家


【释义】n. 冒险;冒险精神;投机活动 vt. 冒险;大胆说出 vi. 冒险


【释义】n. 熔岩;火山岩


【释义】n. 旅行;狩猎远征;旅行队


【释义】adj. 狂喜的;入迷的 n. 狂喜的人


【释义】n. 煤烟,烟灰 vt. 用煤烟熏黑;以煤烟弄脏


【释义】n. 手册,指南 adj. 手工的;体力的

The Last Jar of Jelly/ 最后一瓶果冻

Our children grew up on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Even my husband and I sometimes sneak one in late at night with a glass of milk. I believe that the Earl of Sandwich himself would agree with me that the success of this universally loved concoction lies not in the brand of peanut butter used,but rather in the jelly. The right jelly delights the palate,and homemade is the only choice.