
第35章 关于信念(11)

Remember to take at least one hour a day and turn that thing off. Do the math, 1/24th. Go dark. Shut it down. Learn where the OFF button is. Take your eyes off the screen, and look into the eyes of the person you love. Have a conversation-a real conversation-with the friends who make you think, with the family who makes you laugh. Don,t just push a button saying I “Like” something. Actually tell them. What a concept! Engage with the world around you … feel … and taste … and smell … and hug what,s there, right in front of you-not what,s a click away. Life is not lived in the glow of a monitor. Life is not a series of status updates. Life is not about your friend count-it,s about the friends you can count on. Life is about who you love, how you live, it,s about who you travel through the world with. Your family, your collaborators, and your friends. Life is a social experience first, and the best aspects of that experience are not lonely ones-they are spent in the company of others. Our modern landscape has changed, yes-but our humanity will always remain, and that, above all else, is what makes us who we are. And who YOU are is a proud, talented group of BU Terriers. Here you have all come to know extraordinary people. Look around-a few years ago you started off on the road with these people, knowing them as boys and girls, wandering around campus, dazed and overwhelmed.Now you are all extraordinary men and women, in total control of your destinies, ready to make your mark not on history-but on the future. And the friendships you forged when the times were good, when the times were bad-and when you realized you just overslept your lecture and needed someone,s notes to catch up with- those are the friendships that will matter for life.The people you have met here will be some of the strongest friends and closest allies you will ever meet in your lives. It,s been that way for me. When you leave here, don,t leave them behind. Don,t leave you behind. Stay close and stay strong. Take them with you wherever you go, and, together, connected, go and change the world.

At times it may have seemed like the road ahead was an impossible slog, incredible. But today, I have the distinct honor of telling you: you have made it.

Now that you,re here, I want you do to another thing: Find a way to say “Yes” to things.

Say yes to invitations to a new country,

Say yes to meet new friends,

Say yes to learning a new language, picking up a new sport.

Yes is how you get your first job, and your next job.

Yes is how you find your spouse, and even your kids.Even if is a bit edgy, a bit out of your comfort zone,

Saying yes means that you will do something new, meet someone new, and make a difference in your life-and likely in others, lives as well.

Yes lets you stand out in a crowd, to be the optimist, to stay positive, to be the one everyone comes to for help, for advice, or just for fun.

Yes is what keeps us all young.

Yes is a tiny word that can do big things.

Say it often.

There,s a second thing I want you to do: Do not be afraid to fail. And DO NOT be afraid to succeed.

There,s an old Italian phrase I like, it,s used to describe especially daring circus performers-they do the salto mortale. It means they do a somersault, on a tightrope, without a net.

Graduates, do to do this. Be brave. Work without a net. I promise you, you will land on your feet.

For those who say you,re thinking too big … be smart enough not to listen.

For those who say the odds are too small … be dumb enough to give it a shot.

And for those who ask, how can you do that ?… look them in the eyes and say, I will figure it out.

Above all else, be an “adorer of life”. No further explanation necessary.

I, to be very clear, am happy to have you join us as adults, and the quicker we can have you lead, the better. Time to throw out all us aging baby boomers and replace us with those best-equipped to lead us into a new age, march us all to a better day.

The power and possibility-the intellectual energy and human electricity-seated in this stadium directly in front of me, and in stadiums and auditoriums like this around the country, your generation will break a new day.

Your vast knowledge will seed a new era.

Your new ideas will shape a new reality.

Your agile minds will inspire a new dawn.

You will give our future a heartbeat.

And that beat will be stronger than ever, because of you.

From my perspective looking at this class, you all have the potential to reach higher than any class-than any generation -that came before you. You can reach as high as the face of life itself.

Thank you, and congratulations to you all.







毕业生们,我想今天的世界已经完全不同了,是你们在教导着我们。是不是很有趣?你们这一代人是历史上首次完全连接在一起的一代。什么是你们醒来会做的第一件事?看手机?打开电脑?查邮件?过一遍你的社交网络?我醒了,我上线了。对吧?只要一醒来,你就在网上了,和外界联系了起来。也许,你们中的某些人现在就正发着短信,在Twitter发演讲的消息,更新你们的状态。笑一笑,镜头正对着你。这里有一则笑话,说的是一个大学生遇上抢劫,结果这个大学生说:“等一等,让我先更新一下我网上的状态,告诉我朋友我被抢了,然后我就可以把我的手机给你了。”当然这在现实生活中是不可能发生,但它也显示了科技对于你们这一代人的身份以 及和外界联系的能力有多么重要。
